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Monday, October 11 2010


Memorial services set for Sam Kruger

Samuel "Sam" Kruger, 20, of Sibley, an ISU student majoring in civil engineering, died Friday night, Oct. 8, due to injuries sustained in an auto accident in O'Brien County. Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12, at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in George, Iowa. Visitation is from 2 to 8 p.m. today (Oct. 11), with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m., at Jurrens Funeral Home, Sibley.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co-President Heiden to present Nov. 2 Stafford Lecture

Cara Heiden, co-president of West Des Moines-based Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, who is ranked No. 7 on US Banker magazine's 2010 list of "The 25 Most Powerful Women in Banking," is the fall 2010 speaker for the Robert Stafford Lecture Series on Banking in Iowa State's College of Business. An ISU alumnus, Heiden will present a free, public lecture, "Managing Market Turmoil from the Inside Out," on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 11 a.m. in Room 0330 of the Gerdin Business Building.

Fitting launch for new facility

A little chemical wizardry cooked up by a student group provided a fitting launch Friday for Hach Hall, Iowa State's new chemistry facility. The three-story building provides lab space and technology to perform research and improve undergrad learning. The facility was funded with a state appropriation and private gifts and is named after Kathryn Hach Darrow, her late husband, Clifford Hach and the extended Hach family, who joined the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, Muscatine, and many others in providing gifts. Tending to the fire are (from left): Bruce Hach, Troy Ross (of the Carver Trust), Dean of the Liberal Arts and Sciences College Michael Whiteford, ISU President Gregory Geoffroy and Kathryn Hach Darrow. The Society of Chemistry Undergraduate Majors (SCUM) concocted the flashy "ribbon-cutting."

ISU educator addresses community college retention; promotes online transfer calculator

Linda Serra Hagedorn, a professor and interim chair of ISU's educational leadership and policy studies department, was guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of College Student Retention Research, Theory and Practice, on community college retention. In it, she introduced a new downloadable software application she helped create, The Community College Transfer Calculator®, which identifies the course-taking patterns that predict transfer for students.

Bioasphalt® developed at Iowa State to be used, tested on Des Moines bike trail

Bioasphalt® developed by Iowa State University's Christopher Williams and produced by Avello Bioenergy Inc., a company started by three Iowa State graduates, will be tested on a Des Moines bicycle trail. Williams said asphalt mixtures derived from plants and trees could replace petroleum-based mixes. And that could provide markets for Iowa crop residues and business opportunities for Iowans.

News release.

Renowned landscape architect to speak Oct. 19

Andrea Cochran, the principal of Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture in San Francisco, will present the 2010 P.H. Elwood Lecture in Landscape Architecture on Tuesday, Oct. 19, at Iowa State. Her presentation, "Immersive Landscapes," will be at 6 p.m. in Kocimski Auditorium, College of Design. It is free and open to the public. Cochran's work is known for its careful consideration of site, climate and existing architecture. She strives for a seamless integration of landscape, art and architecture that blurs the line between the natural and built environments. The lecture series honors the legacy of professor Philip H. Elwood, who is credited with developing the ISU Department of Landscape Architecture.

News release.

Quinn Weninger

Quinn Weninger

New fisheries system will save about $20 million, Iowa State University researchers find

Some fisheries in the United States are poised to undergo major changes in the regulations used to protect fish stocks, and Quinn Weninger and Rajesh Singh have estimated that the new system will be an economic boon to the fishing industry. The two estimated harvesting costs under the old system and compared that to the newly proposed fishing regulations that lift many restrictions that cause inefficiency while still limiting amounts to be harvested.

News release.

Iowa State senior conducted research in Rome and presents it in China this week

Senior Emily Zimmerman could have graduated in three years. Instead, she will graduate in four with a second major that has enabled her to conduct research last summer in Rome and present it this week in China. Zimmerman, who majors in biology and global resource systems, is presenting her research poster, "A Review of the Current Status of Agrobiodiversity Monitoring Systems," at the Managing Biodiversity for Sustainable Development Conference at Yunnan Agricultural University in Kunming, China.
News release.