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Tuesday, October 21 2008


ISU journalism head named editor, advisor to

Director of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Michael Bugeja joined an accomplished national group of journalists and academic leaders as a advisor, editor and reviewer.

News release.

ISU Alumni Center to be dedicated during Homecoming

The new Iowa State University Alumni Center will be dedicated at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 25, during Homecoming 2008. The $10.7 million facility was made possible solely by the generous support of ISU alumni and friends, particularly lead donors Roy and Bobbi Reiman.

News release.

Sustainable Food Conference will feature Will Tuttle, Oct. 27 and 28

Will Tuttle, a Zen Buddhist monk and author of the book, "World Peace Diet," will speak and lead panel discussions at Iowa State's Sustainable Food Conference, "A New Paradigm for a Peaceful Planet," Oct. 27 - 28. The sessions will address the effects of animal agriculture on world hunger and the environment, and the cultural and health benefits of a vegan diet.

News release.

Consumers using more media, new and old, according to ISU professor's four-year study

A four-year study led by Jay Newell, an ISU mass media professor, found large gains in the use of new media (like the Internet and e-mail), but also a slight increase in the use of traditional media (newspapers, magazines, radio and television). The results are summarized in a paper that will be published in an upcoming issue of the International Journal on Media Management.

News release.

ISU psychologist assists in study finding babies distinguish between happy, sad music

ISU Assistant Professor of Psychology Douglas Gentile was one of the researchers on a study of 96 infants finding that babies as young as 5 months old can distinguish an upbeat song from among gloomier compositions. Their paper "Infants; discrimination of happy and sad music," will be published in the upcoming issue of the academic journal Infant Behavior and Development.

News release.

Financial crisis roundtable features distinguished alumni financial leaders, Oct. 23

Three financial leaders, whose collective expertise encompasses the regulatory and regulated sides of finance in domestic and international markets, will discuss the financial crisis during a roundtable at Iowa State. The speakers are all Iowa State alumni. "The Financial Crisis: What Now?" will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 23 in the Memorial Union Great Hall. The roundtable is free and open to the public.

News release.

Robert C. Brown: biofuels are best option to harness solar energy

Robert C. Brown, who studies the conversion of biomass to biofuels, will deliver this fall's Presidential University Lecture at 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27, in the Sun Room of Iowa State's Memorial Union. He'll discuss, "Why are We Producing Biofuels?" The lecture is free and open to the public.

News release.

Iowa State University researcher developed forerunner of Nobel research in 1986

This year's Nobel Prize for chemistry was given to researchers for their work on illuminating living cells. An Iowa State University professor developed something similar more than 20 years ago.

News release.