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Monday, April 25 2022

  • First-of-its-kind study compares domestic violence programs, finds promising results

    Men convicted of domestic violence were charged with significantly fewer violent and nonviolent charges one year after completing an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) based program used by the Iowa Department of Corrections compared to the Duluth Model. The study comparing the two interventions also found evidence that physical aggression, controlling behaviors and stalking behaviors decreased from the men who were in the ACT-based program.

  • ISU team receives XPRIZE Carbon Removal landmark award for innovative vision to remove carbon from the atmosphere

    An ISU research team has received a $1 million XPRIZE milestone award for its efforts to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to combat climate change. The carbon removal team at the Bioeconomy Institute will use the award to advance its vision of using pyrolysis to turn biomass from crop residues and other sources into a soil amendment and other valuable products.

  • Innovation at Work: Providing guidance for retail and small businesses

    From startup to expansion to transition, Iowa State offers innovative programs and services to support business and industry at any stage. By helping businesses grow and succeed, Iowa State is also strengthening Iowa communities and local economies.

  • Innovation at Work: By the Numbers

    Iowa State’s core strengths – innovation, science-based extension and outreach, and education – make the university a trusted resource for entrepreneurs and business leaders across the state. ISU’s Office of Economic Development and Industry Relations provide integrated and comprehensive support to clients and partners.

  • Iowa State student named Truman Scholar

    An Iowa State University student is one of 58 students nationwide to be named a 2022 Truman Scholar, the premier graduate fellowship in the U.S. for those pursuing careers as public service leaders.

  • Innovation at Work: Unconventional methods help boost rural quality of life

    There’s a surprising similarity between Iowa and the Czech Republic. It’s led to groundbreaking research at Iowa State into why some rural Iowa towns are thriving, even as their populations shrink.


  • Innovation at Work: Breaking ground on next-generation agricultural markets

    Iowa possesses some of the best agricultural soil in the world, positioning the state to lead the way on new agricultural frontiers like carbon markets and next-generation biofuels. ISU innovators are laying the scientific foundation for the state to take advantage of these new opportunities – all while protecting the environment.

  • Exercise may reduce depression symptoms, boost effects of therapy

    Exercising for half an hour may reduce symptoms of depression for at least 75 minutes post-workout and amplify the benefits of therapy, according to two new studies led by researchers at ISU.

  • Iowa State student named Goldwater Scholar

    An Iowa State University chemistry student has been named a 2022 Goldwater Scholar. The Goldwater Scholarship is the premier undergraduate scholarship in mathematics, natural sciences and engineering in the United States.

  • Iowa State researcher leads emerging field of trauma-informed environmental design

    An Iowa State University researcher is an innovator in an emerging field: trauma-informed environmental design, in which designers work to understand their clients deeply and how their life experiences affect how they experience various environments today in order to better serve them in the design process.

  • Agricultural and biosystems engineering graduate program keeps No. 2 ranking

    Iowa State's graduate program in agricultural and biosystems engineering maintained its No. 2 spot in the annual rankings by U.S. News and World Report magazine. Other highlights for Iowa State include top 15 rankings among public universities for programs in statistics and higher education administration and top 25 rankings among publics for eight engineering programs.