News Archive
Tuesday, October 12 2004
Roll out the barrels: ISU's annual Snow Plow 'Roadeo' set for Oct. 14
Before Iowa blizzards put them to work, many of the state's snow plow operators will show off their fancy blade skills during the annual Iowa Streets and Road Conference Roadeo Thursday, Oct. 14, in the Hilton Coliseum parking lot. The competition, which also will include a motor grader division, will begin at 9 a.m. and will run until about 1 p.m.
ISU to host election forum Oct. 21
Two leading American political process scholars will headline "Election '04: A College Forum on the Candidates and the Issues" at Iowa State University at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21, in 125 Kildee Hall. The event is free and open to the public. James Campbell, professor of political science at the University of Buffalo, The State University of New York, and John Hibbing, Foundation Regents University Professor of political science at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, are the featured speakers. James McCormick, professor and chair of ISU's department of political science, will moderate.
Swedish ambassador named Manatt-Phelps Lecturer; to speak Oct. 26
Jan Eliasson, Swedish ambassador to the United States, will present the third Manatt-Phelps Lecture in Political Science at Iowa State University. He will speak on the European Union and the global economy at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26, in the Sun Room, Memorial Union. The lecture is free and open to the public. Thomas and Elizabeth Phelps, and Charles and Kathleen Manatt established the annual Manatt-Phelps Lecture in Political Science. The lectures focus on significant developments in international political economy during the previous year.
Mardi Gras is theme for second 2004 International Dinner Series Oct. 17
Tickets are on sale now for the second of three international dinners for the 2004-05 academic year. Based on a Mardi Gras theme, the dinner cost is $45 per person and will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 17. A cash bar and hors d'oeuvres will be available at 6 p.m. in the lounge of LeBaron Hall, Room 1009. The five-course meal will be in the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom, Room 23, MacKay Hall. Iowa State University's College of Family and Consumer Sciences sponsors the dinner.
Comments sought on second draft of stategic plan
The latest draft of Iowa State University's next strategic plan reflects many of the comments that were submitted after the release of the first draft, said Ben Allen, vice president for academic affairs, provost and head of the strategic planning committee. The new draft was released today (Oct. 11) and is available online at Allen encourages the campus community and others to offer comments and suggestions on the second draft of the plan. Those comments should be submitted by Oct. 29 to (The comments will be posted periodically, without attribution, on the strategic planning web site.)
New home for alumni becomes a reality
Private funding for a new Iowa State University Alumni Center has reached more than 90 percent of its goal and the project is now slated to move forward. Roy and Bobbi Reiman of Greendale, Wis., have provided the lead gift to fund the entire construction cost of the new facility.

Fundraising effort to save Morrill Hall reaches goal
One of the largest grassroots fundraising efforts in ISU history has raised the necessary funding to renovate Morrill Hall. More than 2,700 private donors contributed the majority of the $9 million needed to give new life to the 114-year-old building on central campus.
Math teacher education focus of talk
An international scholar on teaching and preparing mathematics teachers will be the first lecturer in a new speaker series, "Current Issues in Mathematics Education," hosted by the College of Education. Thomas Cooney, professor emeritus at the University of Georgia, Athens, will discuss reform efforts in mathematics teacher education at 5 p.m., Monday, Oct. 18, in the Gold Room, Memorial Union. The series is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
Childhood expert to campus
Judith Carta, a University of Kansas expert on early childhood behavior, will be on campus Oct. 13 - 15. She will discuss strategies for preventing challenging behavior in youngsters at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 13, in the Pioneer Room, Memorial Union.
Borlaug lecture is Oct. 13
Catherine Bertini, who transformed the United Nations' World Food Programme into the world's largest humanitarian relief organization, will present the third annual Norman Borlaug Lecture at Iowa State on Oct. 13.
Vet Med professor receives national teaching award
Dr. Holly Bender has received the Teaching Excellence Award for Basic Sciences from the Student American Veterinary Medicine Association. Bender is an associate professor of veterinary pathology. She was honored for her leadership in developing Diagnostic Pathfinder, and innovative clinical instructional software tool.
Iowa Congressman Leach will speak Oct. 13
Iowa Second Congressional District Representative James Leach is the first Robert Stafford Lecturer on Banking for Iowa State's College of Business. He will discuss "Current Topics Facing Today's Banking Industry" Wednesday, Oct. 13, in the Memorial Union. The lecture honors Robert Stafford, longtime president and chairman of First National Bank, Ames.