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Tuesday, April 19 2005


Bobcat with collar

Researchers follow bobcats

Researchers from Iowa State and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources are monitoring the comings and goings of eight bobcat mothers in south central Iowa. The bobcats have been fitted with radio collars.

News release.

Expert to discuss virtual schooling

Technology expert Ray Rose will discuss national trends in virtual schooling and emerging technologies Friday, April 22.

News release.

Distinguished, University professors named

Six faculty members have been awarded the titles of Distinguished Professor or University Professor at Iowa State.

News release.

Students charged with theft

Iowa State University Police have charged three former ISU employees with theft following an investigation at the Memorial Union parking ramp.

News release.

Tulip time at Reiman Gardens

Nearly 20,000 tulips are in bloom in the outdoor beds at Reiman Gardens. Daily hours at the gardens are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visitors 17 years old and younger are admitted free during April.


A long look at Iowa

The spring issue of VISIONS magazine, now available online, looks at the critical role Iowa State plays in the economy and quality of life in the state, at the future of Iowa agriculture and industry, and at some of ISU's brightest young alumni.

Excerpts from VISIONS.

Pulitzer Prize winner will read on campus

Ted Kooser, ISU alumnus, U.S. poet laureate and recent Pulitzer Prize winner, will give a reading at Iowa State April 21.

News release.

Students defend their computer networks

Teams of Iowa State students will work overtime during Iowa State's first Cyber Defense Competition. Students will keep a network running, fend off hacker attacks and try to impress judges during the 27-hour competition.

News release.

Public will decide if mural will be installed

The College of Design seeks community feedback on the winning entry in phase one of its "Unity Mural" competition.

News release.

Getting students excited about transportation

High school students will drive a semi, maneuver a mini excavator and use global positioning technology to complete a scavenger hunt. It's all part of the second annual Transportation Career Fair.

News release.

Physicist on 'History of the Universe'

E.N. Economou, professor of physics at the University of Crete in Greece, will talk about "The History of the Universe" at 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 19, in Memorial Union Great Hall.

See article

Veterinary Medicine college celebrates 125th

This year marks the 125th anniversary of the College of Veterinary Medicine, the nation's oldest public veterinary college and the first veterinary college west of the Mississippi.

News release.

Pet care seminar April 26

ISU community practice veterinarians will offer a basic pet care seminar for pet owners April 26.

News release.