News Archive
Tuesday, November 23 2010

Patrick Schnable, Agronomy
ISU researcher, collaborators, re-sequence six corn varieties, find some genes missing
Researchers at Iowa State University, China Agricultural
University and the Beijing Genomics Institute in China recently
re-sequenced and compared six elite inbred corn (maize) lines,
including the parents of the most productive commercial hybrids
in China, and found
entire genes that were missing from one line to another.

Iowa State, Ames Lab researcher develops new way to study single biological molecules
Sanjeevi Sivasankar will work with Novascan Technologies Inc.
of Ames to continue development of a unique microscope that
allows researchers to study single molecules. The microscope is
designed to advance the study of structural biology. The Grow
Iowa Values Fund is supporting commercialization of the
ISUs dairy products evaluation team lands runner-up honors at international competition
ISU's Dairy Products Evaluation Team earned a second place finish in the overall category, a first place in yogurt, a second place in cheddar cheese and a third in cottage cheese for the team competition and also scored individual awards including a first in yogurt at the annual, international competiton.
ISU economist addresses state's holiday retail prospects as economy struggles

Let's talk turkey
ISU Extension has tips to help Thanksgiving cooks prepare a safe turkey dinner. Extension's Answer Line (800-262-3804) is staffed Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., or you can visit the Talking Turkey website for answers to frequently asked questions anytime.
ISU Design West Studio wins national economic development award

Iowa State University's Design West Studio won the
University Economic Development Association's (UEDA) 2010
Award of Excellence in Partnership Development at the UEDA
Annual Summit in Reno, Nev., Nov. 9. Located in Sioux City, the
studio is a satellite program of the ISU College of Design in
partnership with Iowa State University Extension, the city of
Sioux City and a number of community groups. The award
recognizes a UEDA member for developing strong or unique
partnerships between organizations and academic institutions,
and using this partnership to achieve a shared goal.
Bed bugs in Iowa are more plentiful, but can be avoided with care: ISU entomologist
The number of cases of bed bugs in Iowa is increasing, but
taking a few precautions can help avoid them, according to Ken
Holscher, associate professor of entomology at Iowa State
University. Holscher has been monitoring the level of bed bug
reports for almost three decades, and says there certainly has
been an uptick in the number recently.

Iowa State experts identify holiday shopping trends, provide consumer budgeting tips

Iowa State mechanical engineering students to show off their design ideas
Iowa State University mechanical engineering students will
display their ideas, concepts and prototypes during the
department's first Design Expo. The Design Expo will be
noon-4 p.m. Dec. 7 in Howe Hall. The event is free and open to
the public.