News Archive
Friday, June 4 2010
Geoffroy, Pollard update on conference realignment talk
ISU President Gregory Geoffroy and Director of Athletics Jamie Pollard have an update on potential conference realignment from discussion at the Big 12 spring meetings.
Some Iowa cicadas make unexpected appearance four years ahead of schedule
The 17-year cicadas found in central and southeast Iowa aren't supposed to come out until 2014, but a small percentage are emerging now, four years ahead of schedule. Donald Lewis, professor of entomology at Iowa State University, started getting reports of these early-risers two weeks ago. The insects are found in much of the state from Boone County south to the Missouri border and east to the Mississippi River.
Iowa State University student living his dream this summer

Ben Janson couldn't ask for a better summer vacation. He's having fun doing what he loves. He's hanging out with the pros. And he's getting paid. He can't believe his luck. The Iowa State University junior from Mason City is not playing baseball, driving racecars or chasing tornadoes. He's happily tucked away in a research laboratory at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Md.

Chad Hart
Gulf oil spill may harm U.S. grain exports, says ISU market economist
With the latest failed efforts to stop the flow of oil from an uncapped well into the Gulf of Mexico, projections are that the spill may not be contained until late summer. Iowa State University grain markets specialist Chad Hart says that if the oil slick enters the shipping lanes, there could be a slowdown in shipping traffic that could affect grain prices for the United States and overseas markets.

Iowa States solar car team prepares for June 19-26 race from Tulsa to Chicago
Iowa State students are busy preparing to race the
university's tenth solar-powered car. They'll attempt
to prove and qualify their car during the June 12-18 Formula
Sun Grand Prix in Texas. If that goes well, they'll enter
the June 19-26 American Solar Challenge, a race from Tulsa,
Okla., to Chicago.
Iowa State educator assists effort to export U.S. community college model to Indonesia

Tractor pull team hopes new design will overpower field in international competition
Iowa State University's Power Pullers team will participate in an annual tractor pull competition June 5 and 6 in Peoria, Ill., sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Thirty teams from the United States and Canada are scheduled to compete. This year's tractor, "CydeWinder," has been completely redesigned in hopes of improving on last year's fourth-place finish.
Goran Micevic awarded Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship for medical school
Iowa State University May graduate Goran Micevic has received a
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship. The Iowa State University chapter of
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society nominated him for the the $5,000
graduate fellowship. Micevic earned his degree in biochemistry
and will attend Yale University Medical School in the