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Sunday, September 3 2023

  • ‘Broadband Prairie’ rural wireless project moves to public phase of researching, testing

    With wireless infrastructure installed in and around Ames, the $16 million ARA Wireless Living Lab for Smart and Connected Rural Communities is moving to a public testing phase. The progress will be celebrated with technical presentations and field trips during a launch event Sept. 6-8 on the Iowa State campus.

  • Economics lecture to explore the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

    Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University, will deliver the 2023 I.W. Arthur Memorial Lecture at Iowa State University. Cowen will discuss the benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence during the lecture, exploring his belief that those worried about AI are too willing to limit freedoms and empower government to reduce uncertainty and risk.

  • Ukrainian grain farmers now raising hogs benefit from ISU expertise

    Many Ukrainian farmers are raising hogs for the first time, converting cheap grain into needed meat. An Iowa State University swine health expert is helping Ukrainian farmers safely navigate the war-driven pivot to pork with a series of online workshops. 

  • Updates: Fire at campus power plant

    Due to a fire at the power plant, the university is experiencing disruptions to the cooling system on campus. As a result, classes that can, will move online for the remainder of Thursday, Aug. 24 and all day Friday, Aug. 25. Please check this page for updates. 

  • Digital real estate listings with more photos, descriptions earn higher sale prices

    Using “experiential” descriptions and more photos on Zillow can boost offers and sale prices, especially for homes valued significantly higher or lower than the neighborhood average, according to a new study.

  • To close the gap at the top, start with the bottom

    The NFL adopted the Rooney Rule 20 years ago as part of an effort to address racial disparity in top coaching positions. But new research suggests the gap will persist unless it’s closed with lower-level coaching staff.

  • Chemists build synthetic catalysts to break down biomass like super enzymes

    Yan Zhao's research group is building nanospheres that act as super enzymes to break down the plant fibers in biomass such as crop residues. The new catalysts could make biomass a practical source of sugars that can be converted into fuels and chemicals.


  • Researchers building green fertilizer system to reuse wastes, cut greenhouse gas emissions

    Researchers from Iowa State University and Wichita State University are working together to develop and promote a new green fertilizer that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The $4 million project is supported by a National Science Foundation program designed to build scientific infrastructure and capabilities across the country.