News Archive
Tuesday, October 20 2009
Discharged gay soldier and Iraq war veteran Dan Choi to speak at Iowa State Nov. 3
Less than one month after Lt. Dan Choi -- a West Point graduate, Iraq war veteran and Arabic linguist -- announced that he was gay, the U.S. Army began discharge proceedings against him for violating 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' Choi, who served honorably under that policy for 10 years, will share his story at Iowa State University on Nov. 3.
Two architecture courses earn national recognition for green building education
The U.S. Green Building Council recently honored two Iowa State architecture courses for advancing green building education. The Bridge Studio, which focuses on the design of affordable, sustainable housing, won a 2009 Excellence in Green Building Education Recognition Award in the higher education category. "SCI-TECH: A Technology Sequence for Generation Green" received an honorable mention. SCI-TECH is a sequence of graduate-level architecture technology courses that incorporates sustainable design principles. Iowa State was the only school to earn recognition for two different programs in any category.
H1N1 vaccination clinics scheduled
Story County Public Health has announced public H1N1 vaccination clinics available beginning Oct. 19. Clinics will be held throughout the county, including the Lied Recreation Center and the Union Drive Community Center on the Iowa State campus. Vaccinations are free, but at this time are limited ONLY to members of the following priority groups:
- pregnant women;
- people who live with or care for children younger than six months of age;
- healthcare and emergency services personnel;
- persons six months to 24 years old; and
- people 25 through 64 who are at higher risk for H1N1 because of chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems.
Iowa State study finds high volume video gamers have more difficulty staying attentive
Budget updates available online
As Iowa State leaders work to cut $24.5 million from this year's budget, updates and information will be posted online.
Board of Regents president suggests options for meeting mid-year reversion
Board of Regents President David Miles outlined options Iowa State leaders might consider in developing a plan to cut $24.5 million from this year's budget. The plan is due by Oct. 29.

Iowa State associate joins AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellows
Ryan Atwell, a recent ISU graduate with a doctorate from the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, is among the newest group of AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellows. Atwell works for the U.S. Forest Service, Office of Research and Development, which is a division of the Department of Agriculture.

Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines president, CEO to give Stafford Lecture Oct. 27
Director of Columbia University's Urban Landscape Lab to speak Oct. 21

Columbia University's Kate Orff will present the P.H. Elwood Lecture in Landscape Architecture on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at Iowa State University. Her presentation, "Design for the Anthropocene Era," will be at 6 p.m. in Kocimski Auditorium, College of Design. Orff is an assistant professor of architecture and urban design, and founder and director of the Urban Landscape Lab at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. The Lab is an interdisciplinary applied research group dedicated to affecting social equity and positive change in urban ecosystems. A reception in conjunction with an exhibition of work by landscape architecture students will follow the lecture.