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Tuesday, March 9 2010


Iowa State University horticulture graduates get high marks from employers

In a survey of employers that hired Iowa State University horticulture graduates, 95 percent of companies responding reported that the students they hired are prepared for the field.

News release.

ISU researchers Robyn Cooper and Warren Blumenfeld

ISU researchers Robyn Cooper and Warren Blumenfeld

Iowa State researchers publish national study on cyberbullying of LGBT and allied youths

A new national study by Iowa State researchers Warren Blumenfeld and Robyn Cooper has found that one out of every two lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and allied youths are regular victims of "cyberbullying," which causes psychological and emotional distress to victims -- producing thoughts of suicide in some who are repeatedly victimized.

Newly developed early canine glaucoma tests should help owners of breeding dogs

Dr. Sinisa Grozdanic has developed two new methods to detect glaucoma in dogs at an early age, long before the dogs show any signs of the disease. The early detection should allow dog owners to make better breeding decisions and allow for earlier treatment of the disease.

News release.

ISU Extension leader to Florida; Gerald Miller named interim vice president

Jack Payne, vice president for extension and outreach at Iowa State University since 2006, has accepted a position at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth Hoffman has appointed Gerald "Jerry" Miller, longtime faculty member and administrator at Iowa State, as interim vice president for extension and outreach, effective June 1.

News release.

ISU Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson

ISU Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson

ISU study proves conclusively that violent video game play makes more aggressive kids

Iowa State researchers, led by Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson, have collaborated on a new study that analyzes 130 research reports on more than 130,000 subjects proving exposure to violent video games makes more aggressive, less caring kids -- regardless of their age, sex or culture.

Iowa State physicist writes a better formula to predict baseball success

Kerry Whisnant, an Iowa State University professor of physics and astronomy, will present a paper about his formula to predict baseball success to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan Sports Analytics Conference in Boston on March 6. Whisnant says his work in sabermetrics, the analysis of baseball statistics, is a hobby he'd love to turn into a part-time job for his favorite big-league team.