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Saturday, April 21 2007


Cake-batter ice cream out of the lineup

The ISU Dairy Science Club will play it safe during the university's 150th birthday kickoff Saturday (April 21) by replacing its cake-flavored sesquicentennial ice cream with vanilla with cardinal and gold sprinkles. Servings of chocolate, plain vanilla, strawberry, Oreo and Snickers also will be served.

News release.

Udderly unbeatable -ISU Dairy Challenge team wins national competition

The Iowa State team took a first place in the annual national Dairy Challenge competition held this year at South Dakota State University, Brookings.

News release.

Statement from Regents President Gartner regarding campus security issues


Cinnamon roll ice cream anyone?

Students in FSHN 412, Dyscovry Foods, Inc., unveil new food products they've formulated, tested, processed, and packaged this semester in their senior capstone course.

News release.

Iowa State astrophysicists provide the eyes for new gamma ray telescope system

Iowa State researchers built the four cameras for the VERITAS telescope system in Arizona. The new $20 million telescope system detects gamma rays and will help astrophysicists explore distant regions of space, look for evidence of dark matter and help explain the origins of the most energetic radiation in the universe.

News release.

Saturday Veishea crowd offers research opportunity for three ISU accounting professors

Professors William Dilla, Diane Janvrin, and Cynthia Jeffrey will be conducting an online investing simulation Saturday in the Gerdin Business Building, just east of the Sesquicentennial Veishea Village on central campus. The simulations will take place during 30-minute sessions that run every half-hour from 12:30 until 4 p.m.

News release.

Statement from President Geoffroy regarding counseling services


Statement from President Gregory Geoffroy in regard to Virginia Tech tragedy


Iowa State, Iowa join two Midwest universities to create high-speed data network

Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin-Madison have created a high-speed optical network that will allow researchers to share massive amounts of data with collaborators around the world.

News release.

Iowa State artist: When it comes to inventing furniture, I fold

With help from friends in Japan, Michigan, Florida and Ames, local artist Fumi Ikeshima creates origami chair.

News release.

Iowa State's Women's Rugby Club headed to nationals for first time

The Iowa State Women's Rugby club is teeming with confidence as it prepares to travel to Sanford, Fla., to take part in the USA Rugby Women's Collegiate National Championships April 21-22.

News release.

Iowa State physicist leads team designing detector for international particle collider

John Hauptman, an Iowa State University professor of physics and astronomy, is leading an international team that's designing a detector for the proposed International Linear Collider. The collider would be about 19 miles long and accelerate electrons and positrons to nearly the speed of light. The particles would collide at the center of the machine at extremely high energies. Collider detectors would record those collisions. Physicists expect the collisions to create new particles and help them understand how the universe works.

News release.

Nationally ranked ISU Paintball team heads to nationals with high expectations

Iowa State's nationally ranked paintball team is going to the College Paintball National Championships to be held April 20-22 in Dallas.

News release.