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Tuesday, July 5 2005


Agriculture dean Woteki resigns

Catherine Woteki, dean of the College of Agriculture since January 2002, announced July 5 she will resign to take a position with a national food company. Her resignation is effective July 31.

News release.

'The Apprentice' casting call coming to campus

Members of the Iowa State community will be able to try out for the "ultimate job interview" when the College of Business plays host to one of two July casting calls in Iowa for the NBC reality series, "The Apprentice."

News release.

Team test solar car

Iowa State's solar car made a quick test run to southeast Iowa recently. The student solar car team will soon race their car from Texas to Canada.

News release.

ISU scientists win R&D 100 Award

Brian Gleeson and Daniel Sordelet of Iowa State University and the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have won an R&D 100 Award for a coating that helps turbine blades hold up to the heat of jet engines.

News release.

robert Lowry

Political scientist: Day's resignation 'major'

"Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's resignation is a major development for several reasons," says political science professor Robert Lowry. "Not only is this the first resignation by a Supreme Court justice in over a decade, but she is generally perceived to have been the swing vote on 5-4 decisions more often than any other justice in recent years. Replacing her with someone whose views are only slightly different could easily result in a different outcome in close decisions. In contrast, replacing a justice like William Rehnquist or John Paul Stevens with someone whose views are similar, but not identical, would have only a minor effect on the overall balance of the Court."

Roth appointed to national biosecurity board

ISU veterinary medicine professor James Roth has been appointed to the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity. U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt appointed Roth to the 24-member that will advise the federal government on ways to promote biosecurity in life science research.

News release.

Iowa Public Radio names executive director finalists

Two veterans of public broadcasting have been named finalists for the position of executive director of the newly created Iowa Public Radio. They are Cindy Browne, a Minnesota-based public broadcasting consultant, and John Stark, general manager of KNAU-FM, the public radio station at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

News release (PDF file)

Babcock discusses livestock insurance with Senate committee

Bruce Babcock, economics professor and director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, discussed federal livestock insurance programs in June 28 testimony before a Senate committee.

Full testimony.

South Korean company commits to research park

Soyzen, a South Korean company that has developed processing technologies to maximize the nutrition of soybean products, will open an office in the ISU Research Park.

News release.

Scientists showcase ag biotech research in D.C.

ISU researchers were among 32 teams invited to showcase leading-edge science and technology research to congressional representatives and staff in Washington, D.C. Associate professor of agronomy Kan Wang and research associate Jennifer McMurray demonstrated plant genetic transformation and its applications June 21. The event was sponsored by the Coalition for National Science Funding.

Scientists study ultrasound for brain tumors

An Iowa State research team will study the feasibility of using high-intensity focused ultrasound as a noninvasive way to treat brain tumors.

News release.

ISU experts can comment on mad cow disease

Iowa State University experts can provide perspective on the latest developments in mad cow disease, also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

News tip.

Engineers to protect Madison County bridges

Iowa State engineers are developing round-the-clock monitoring technology to help protect the bridges of Madison County.

News release.

Sanderson nominated for ESPY

Assistant wrestling coach and 2004 Olympic gold medalist Cael Sanderson is nominated for the ESPY Awards "Best Male Olympic Performance."

News release. | Cast your ESPY vote online

Ames Lab gets $1.6 million to study hydrogen fuel

A team of Ames Laboratory researchers are looking for ways to make hydrogen a viable alternative fuel for vehicles, thanks to a $1.6 million Hydrogen Fuel Initiative grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.

News release.

Demolition work under way at Storms, Knapp halls

Contractors are working to prepare Knapp and Storms residence halls for implosion between July 19 and 21.

News release.

Dean of students search begins

Sharon McGuire, assistant dean of students and director of the Academic Success Center, has been named interim dean of students, effective July 1. A national search to fill the dean of students position is under way.

News article.