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Thursday, May 14 2015

  • Cyclone Power Pullers create tractor that makes life easier for operators

    The Cyclone Power Pullers emphasized operator convenience in the quarter-scale tractor they designed and built to enter into a competition this month.

  • C-SPAN'S American History TV to feature Leslie's lecture on Chicago skyscrapers

    Pickard Chilton Professor in Architecture Thomas Leslie traces the skyscraper's creation as complex connections between Chicago's economics, technology and politics during a lecture broadcast on C-SPAN's American History TV. The program will air at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. Saturday, May 23 on C-SPAN 3.

  • Iowa State researchers expand SWITCH to build comprehensive approach to school wellness

    An Iowa State University research team is working with elementary schools to improve academic outcomes through SWITCH – a program aimed at getting children to “switch what they do, view and chew.” The team received a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop and test school-based components designed specifically for physical education classes, lunchroom nutrition and the regular classroom.

  • Iowa State’s Baja racing team slowed in first race, ready to regain off-road speed

    The student-engineers of the Iowa State Baja SAE Team are working to build on a top-20 finish at a recent competition in Alabama. They're confident they have a car that's durable and fast enough to move up the rankings. They'll race again May 27-30 in Oregon.

  • Iowa State graduating senior styles her own future in fashion

    When Brenna Lyden accessorizes her cap and gown with “sky-high heels and lots of jewelry” to cross the commencement stage, everything is just as it should be. She's graduating with a degree in apparel, merchandising and design with minors in journalism and entrepreneurship. Her fashion blog and styling business are thriving. Her U-Haul is packed. And a signed contract for a coveted job as a buyer for Nordstrom Inc. is tucked safely in the back pocket of her skinny jeans. 


  • Prairie STRIPS program expands with new grant

    A new USDA grant will allow the innovative STRIPS program at Iowa State University to widen its scope and test its methods in new geographic areas and agricultural practices.

  • ISU graduating senior steps into his dream job at Nike

    Graduating with a double major in industrial design and apparel design, Colin Behr thinks he may need to pinch himself awake. But his footwear designer job for Nike Sportswear is no dream. In five years at Iowa State, Behr has designed three pairs of shoes sold by New Balance, put finishing touches on a Todd Snyder New York designer parka for the ultra tony retailer Barneys, studied shoemaking at the London College of Fashion and co-designed a football receiver glove about to be manufactured by Shock Doctor for Cutter’s.


  • Iowa Water Center supports research to address Iowa challenges and priorities

    The Iowa Water Center at Iowa State performs a range of tasks related to water quality in the state of Iowa, everything from holding an annual conference to facilitating communications between government and private interests to funding promising new research.

  • ISU faculty and students launch water-quality pilot project on campus lake

    Water quality in Iowa State University’s Lake LaVerne may soon get a boost with the installation of vegetated floating islands designed by a team of faculty and graduate students. Working with the Story Soil and Water Conservation District, they're developing the low-maintenance and inexpensive treatment solution to enhance the water quality of small ponds and lakes in central Iowa. Their pilot project on Lake LaVerne to use the sustainable, visually appealing approach is starting up.

  • Iowa State University Distinguished Professor named to National Academy of Sciences

    Catherine Kling has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences for her achievements in original research. Kling is the eleventh ISU faculty member, and the first woman at the university, to receive the honor, considered one of the most prestigious accomplishments among U.S. scientists and engineers.

  • Change Agent: Eliot Winer

    Eliot Winer has a research portfolio full of virtual reality tools that can help doctors, soldiers, engineers, designers or students work with data and make decisions. He's even part of a team developing a virtual visit to Jack Trice Stadium so more recruits can experience a Cyclone football game.

  • Iowa State students combine data and creativity to engage audience with advertising

    Technology is dramatically changing the way a company develops its brand and connects with its customers through social media or mobile phone apps. To keep up with the changes, advertising agencies are developing ad campaigns using data and computer code. The result – as Iowa State University students in a new advertising course are learning – is an interactive experience focused on engaging the consumer just as much as selling a product.

  • Body found in Friley Hall; no foul play suspected

    ISU Police responded to a report of an unresponsive female in Friley Hall shortly after 2 p.m. Monday, April 27. A resident reported finding her roommate inside their room. Police and emergency medical personnel immediately responded to the scene; however, the female was already deceased.  No foul play is suspected. The woman was a student at Iowa State. The family and next of kin are being notified, and no additional information is available at this time.
  • Iowa State researchers test brain activity to identify cybersecurity threats

    Iowa State University researchers are working to better understand internal threats to cybersecurity by getting inside the minds of employees who put their company at risk. To do that, they measured brain activity to identify what might motivate an employee to violate company policy and sell or trade sensitive information. The study found that self-control is a significant factor.

  • ADVISORY: Iowa State University sources available to comment on spring planting

    As spring planting begins, Iowa State University agricultural experts are available to comment on the trends and stories that will shape the upcoming growing season.

  • Iowa State, Ames Lab scientists describe protein pumps that allow bacteria to resist drugs

    Research teams led by Edward Yu of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory have described the structure of two closely related protein pumps that allow bacteria to resist certain medications. The findings have just been published by Nature Communications and as the April 7 cover paper in Cell Reports.

  • Iowa State anthropologist finds female chimps more likely to use tools when hunting

    Iowa State University anthropology professor Jill Pruetz and her research team were the first to observe savanna chimps using tools to hunt prey. Since making that discovery, Pruetz's team has observed more than 300 tool-assisted hunts and found female chimps hunt with tools more than males.