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Friday, December 30 2016

  • Marching band awarded prestigious Sudler Trophy

    The Iowa State University Cyclone Football “Varsity” Marching Band has been recognized as one of the nation’s top marching bands. The band has won the 2017-2019 Sudler Trophy from the John Philip Sousa Foundation. The award is presented biannually to a marching band which has demonstrated the highest musical standards and innovative marching routines. 

  • Iowa State to manage biorefinery projects for new Manufacturing USA Institute

    Iowa State will lead the biorefinery program of the country's 10th -- and just recently announced -- Manufacturing USA Institute. The institute is dedicated to improving the productivity and efficiency of chemical manufacturing. The U.S. Department of Energy will support the institute with $70 million over five years, subject to federal appropriations. Another $70 million is expected from the institute's partners.

  • 2016 Year in Review

    As 2016 comes to an end, the Iowa State University News Service staff is looking back and sharing some of its favorite and more popular stories of the year.

  • New biomarker predicts Alzheimer’s Disease and link to diabetes

    An enzyme found in the fluid around the brain and spine is giving researchers a snapshot of what happens inside the minds of Alzheimer’s patients and how that relates to cognitive decline. Iowa State University researchers say higher levels of the enzyme, autotaxin, significantly predict memory impairment and Type 2 diabetes.

  • ISU faculty members receive inductions into National Academy of Inventors

    Two Iowa State University faculty members received inductions to the National Academy of Inventors on Tuesday. Surya Mallapragada and Pat Halbur were recognized for their innovative work to improve living conditions and create economic development.

  • Iowa State senior rebounds from head injury to graduate

    On her way to becoming a teacher, Amanda Paulsen Rohlf hit a brick wall. With a strength even she didn’t know she had and mega TLC from her family, church and university, Rohlf has bulldozed through that brick wall. And on Saturday, Dec. 17, she will graduate magna cum laude from Iowa State University with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education 

  • Service, school define success for Iowa State graduate

    Christie Smith made a commitment to serve her country when she was just 17 years old. It was a decision strongly influenced by a family history of military service that dates back to the Civil War. While it's taken Smith longer than most to earn her degree, she wouldn't trade her military experience for anything -- it's what ultimately brought her to Iowa State.  

  • Change Agent: James Hill, Team PrISUm mentor

    Organizers of the American Solar Challenge have honored James Hill, University Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and longtime adviser to Team PrISUm, with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to solar car racing.

  • Wind turbines may have beneficial effects for crops, according to Iowa State University research

    Turbulence created by wind turbines may help corn and soybeans by influencing variables such as temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, according to Iowa State University research. The project drew on data generated by research towers set up on a 200-turbine wind farm in Iowa.

  • Iowa State researcher joins effort to prevent online harassment

    The prevalence of online harassment is well documented. In the U.S. alone, approximately 140 million people were affected by online harassment, according to a 2014 Pew Research Center study. That’s why Rey Junco, an associate professor in ISU’s School of Education, is part of a team of researchers working with Google Jigsaw to understand why people engage in online harassment, the personal and social costs and how best to intervene and prevent it from happening.

  • Iowa State scientist uses clam shells to help build 1,000-year record of ocean climate

    Just like trees have growth rings that scientists can study for clues about past growing conditions, clam shells have growth increments that offer clues about past ocean conditions. Scientists -- including Iowa State's Alan Wanamaker -- have sorted and studied thousands of clam shells to build a 1,000-year record of ocean conditions at a spot just off North Iceland. That record tells scientists that ocean variability played an active role in driving the major climate changes before the industrial revolution. But that changed with industrialization. The scientists' findings were just published online by the journal Nature Communications.