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Friday, August 10 2007


Quilt block

ISU quilt block

Making history

Along with the usual favorites (temporary tattoos, football schedule posters and university info), ISU's state fair exhibit in the Varied Industries Building features a historical look at the institution's 150 years of serving Iowans. The celebration of ISU's 150th carries up to the second floor of the building, where visitors will find quilts created for two ISU sesquicentennial contests.

About the fair exhibit | ISU 150th quilts.

Regents wrap-up

In their August meeting, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, reviewed campus security measures, approved the university budget for the fiscal year and reviewed plans for a bioprocessing research lab.

News story.

Iowa State graphic design student leaves lasting mark in Memorial Union addition

Greg Wohlwend's art is in the entrance of the south addition to the Memorial Union on the Iowa State University campus.

News release.

Geoffroy part of Spellings' higher ed delegation to Latin America

ISU president Gregory Geoffroy will join U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings and seven other college and university presidents on a visit to Latin America to tout the importance of higher education partnerships and exchanges among nations. Spellings will lead the delegation to Chile and Brazil, where it will promote the value of U.S. higher education and discuss future international collaborations.

News release.

Bloedel named chair of biomedical sciences

Dr. James R. Bloedel has been named chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

News release.

Promise of immigration reform is mostly talk for political candidates, ISU economist says

Presidential candidates no doubt will make immigration reform a key issue during this Saturday's (Aug. 11) GOP Straw Poll at Iowa State University's Hilton Coliseum. But an Iowa State economist who studies immigration and its effect on farm labor says political talk is cheap.

News release.

Iowa State University celebrates its anniversary, people, history, future at state fair

Iowa State University will celebrate its 150th anniversary at its Iowa State Fair exhibit from Aug. 9 through 19.

News release.

Media advisory: ISU Extension veterinarian can discuss foot-and-mouth disease

In light of the recent outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in England, ISU Extension veterinarian Dr. Nolan Hartwig reminds livestock producers in this country to keep biosecurity standards high.

News release.

Iowa State researchers work to track North American climate change

Iowa State University researchers are part of an international project that will run computerized climate models to see how climate change may affect North America.

News release.

Media Advisory: Iowa State bridge engineers can discuss bridge safety

Iowa drivers shouldn't be frightened the next time they drive over one of the state's bridges, said the director of the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University.

News release.

Biorenewables and sustainability are focus of Reiman Gardens tour

Reiman Gardens is hosting a a self-guided Biowalk Tour that addresse biorenewables, sustainability and "going green."

News release.

Research sheds light on Asian soybean rust infection

What happens at the molecular level when a plant is being infected by the Asian soybean rust fungus? Research led by ISU plant pathologists reveals important, new information. Their findings are published as the cover spotlight article in the August edition of the journal Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.

News release.

ISU President Geoffroy appointed to NCAA Executive Committee

Iowa State University President Gregory L. Geoffroy has been appointed to a two-year term on the NCAA's Executive Committee, the organization's highest governance body. All 16 committee members are presidents of member institutions.

News release.

New treatment for glaucoma shows promise in laboratory

Iowa State researchers have developed a new technique that successfully treated rats for blindness caused by glaucoma. Their experimental treatment will be used on canine patients in the next year. If successful, it is expected to move to human trials.

News release.

Plant Sciences Institute jump starts new research

Six innovative research projects at Iowa State that are tackling scientific challenges facing Iowa agriculture recently received start-up funding from the Plant Sciences Institute. The projects relate to the institute's research initiatives in biopharmaceuticals, biorenewables, crop protection, genomics and nutrition.

News release.