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Saturday, June 28 2008


Iowa State students prep $400,000 solar car for cross-continental race

Sol Invictus, Iowa State University's latest student-designed and student-built solar race car, will compete in the North American Solar Challenge July 13-22. The challenge will take 24 university and college teams 2,400 miles from Plano, Texas, to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The cars will race along Iowa's western border July 15-18.

News release.

Iowa State faculty are creating a rural renaissance community index to curb out-migration

A group of 12 Iowa State University researchers is working on a three-year rural renaissance community index project designed to identify some of the greatest attributes found in rural Iowa communities through an interactive database.

News release.

Summer brings mosquitoes; protect your horses against West Nile Virus

David Wong, ISU assistant professor of equine medicine, encourages horse owners to protect their animals from West Nile Virus now, before the peak of West Nile season.

News release.

White named interim dean of ISU's College of Human Sciences

Pamela White, University Professor of food science and human nutrition, has been named interim dean of ISU's College of Human Sciences effective July 1.

News release.

ReCAP economists prepare report on economic impact of 2008 floods in Iowa

A new report by Iowa State University's Regional Capacity Analysis Program, titled "Economic Impacts of the 2008 Floods in Iowa," details how the economic impact of this year's flooding in the state will be calculated.

News release.

Pediatrics review of underage drinking prevention programs led by Iowa State's Spoth

Richard Spoth, director of the Partnerships in Prevention Science Institute (PPSI) at Iowa State, was lead author of a report "Preventive Interventions Addressing Underage Drinking: State of the Evidence and Steps Toward Public Health Impact" in the May issue of Pediatrics -- the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

News release.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Iowa State University faculty experts can discuss flood-related topics

Iowa State University faculty and staff members are available to share their insight and expertise on numerous flood-related topics.

News release.