News Archive
Sunday, May 13 2012

Iowa State, Salk researchers make plant protein discovery that could boost bioeconomy

Iowa Energy Center supports research aimed at building Iowas bioeconomy
Three teams of Iowa State University researchers will use grants from the Iowa Energy Center to develop biorenewable technologies. All three projects involve the thermochemical conversion of biomass to biorenewable fuels, chemicals and products. The grants are part of the center's mission to improve energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
ISU economists study Iowa communities 15 years before and after Wal-Mart

Ken Stone, an Iowa State emeritus economics professor; and Georgeanne Artz, a visiting assistant professor of economics in ISU's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, have authored a new study comparing retail sales in Iowa communities 15 years before and after Wal-Mart entry into a community. While host towns showed moderate increases in total retail sales in the 15 years following the stores' opening, the study found that neighboring communities without Wal-Mart stores have also seen their sales largely stabilized during the same 15-year period.
Wickert named senior vice president and provost
Jonathan Wickert, dean of the College of Engineering at Iowa State, has been tapped to become ISU's next senior vice president and provost.

Tom Schrier
Just in time for vacation: ISU professor studies new attractions at theme parks
Tom Schrier studies amusement/theme parks as an assistant professor of apparel, events, and hospitality management at Iowa State. He is working on a multi-year study exploring how new attractions influence attendance rates at amusement/theme parks. He also developed an attractions and amusement park administration course this spring to expose students to employment opportunities available in the amusement/theme park industry.
Two Iowa State architecture students offer Waverly an outdoor amphitheater design