News Archive
Tuesday, November 15 2005
ISU scientists part of project to sequence corn genome
Iowa State is among four institutions on the team selected for a $29.5 million, three-year project to sequence the corn genome, the most complex genome to be sequenced to date.
Presidential Lecture: Reducing aviation risks
R. Bruce Thompson, director of Iowa State University's Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, will present "Reducing the Risk of Aviation Catastrophe" during the fall Presidential University Lecture. The lecture will be 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, in the Great Hall of Iowa State's Memorial Union. It is free and open to the public.
"Ecological footprint" co-founder to speak Nov. 29
William Rees, the Canadian researcher who helped develop the ecological footprint analysis will discuss sustainability of human civilization in a Nov. 29 lecture at Iowa State.
A real-world computer game
Teams of Iowa State University students will defend their computer networks from hackers in a competition that stretches 18 hours.
Biosciences Alliance of Iowa funds ISU research
The Biosciences Alliance of Iowa awarded funding to ISU for a new Human Nutrition Wellness Research Center and a high-throughput facility to develop animal models of human diseases.
Farming that improves the environment
Iowa State researchers say partially burning some of the residue left in corn fields produces products that can be used to improve soil fertility, boost in-soil storage of greenhouse gases and reduce the amount of natural gas used to produce anhydrous ammonia fertilizer.
Kanthasamy named Lloyd Professor
Biomedical scientist Anumantha Kanthasamy, who researches the link between Parkinson's disease and agrochemicals, has been named W. Eugene and Linda R. Lloyd Endowed Professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Kawaler elected fellow of science association
The American Association for the Advancement of Science recognized Iowa State's Steve Kawaler for his study of stars, his work directing the Whole Earth Telescope and his classroom teaching.
Community visioning program honored
The Iowa's Living Roadways Community Visioning Program has been named the 2005 Outstanding Program by the Iowa Chapter of the American Planning Association. The program was developed by Julia Badenhope, associate professor of landscape architecture
State dollars will help Iowa State University commercialize campus research
Iowa State University will use state economic development dollars to support short-term projects at six companies, award grants to university projects with high potential for commercialization and support Iowa State offices that provide technology transfer services.