News Archive
Monday, August 3 2009
Iowa State researcher says internal security breaches pose a bigger threat than hackers
An Iowa State University information security researcher says his studies on information security have suggested that internal computer fraud is a more significant issue than external hacking. News release.
ISU researchers find possible treatment for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Spinal Muscular Atrophy affects 1 in 6,000 to 1 in 10,000 children born every year. One in 40 people are carriers of the disease -- they don't have the symptoms, but could pass the disease to their children. Ravindra Singh, associate professor in biomedical sciences at Iowa State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, has made a huge discovery on the road to curing the disease.

"A Road to White Coral" Christine Simpson Forni. Photo by artist.
College of Design hosts curated "30 and Beyond" alumni exhibition Aug. 3-Sept. 26
News release.

Josh Zepps, left, the host of the Science Channel's "Brink" show, meets an Iowa State robot and Alexander Stoytchev, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering.
See Iowa State robotics research on the Science Channel
ISU will tout research, economic impact at Iowa State Fair exhibit
Iowa State University has had a significant presence at the Iowa State Fair for more than a century, and plans are under way for this year's exhibit.
Iowa State retail economist provides tips for running a business during tough times
Meghan O'Brien, an economist with Iowa State's Regional
Capacity Analysis Program and an ISU Extension program
specialist, created "Tips for Running a Business During a
Tough Time" to provide current and future entrepreneurs
with the current economic picture, as well as a step-by-step
guide on how businesses can both survive and thrive in the
current economy.
Iowa State University researchers develop process for surgical genetic changes
Using this process, a specific gene is located in a living
cell, then a break is made in the DNA of that gene. When the
cell begins to heal itself, existing DNA can be deleted or
modified, or new DNA can be added near the break site.
Afterward, the cell carries the genetic change and passes the
change on to its offspring.