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Sunday, February 15 2015

  • Iowa State University veterinary researcher studies impact of disease and climate change on camel herd in Africa

    An Iowa State University veterinary researcher is helping to protect camel herds in East Africa from the ravages of climate change and disease, a project that will strengthen food security and human health for people throughout the region. The project seeks to build the capacity of veterinary labs in Ethiopia and nearby countries to work on diseases that threaten camels.

  • Green chemistry founder is keynoter for ISU's Symposium on Sustainability Feb. 23

    John Warner, a founder of green chemistry who literally wrote the book on it, is the keynote speaker for Iowa State University's Symposium on Sustainability. Warner will present "Green Chemistry: Helping Create a Safer, More Sustainable Future" at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 23, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. A reception and poster session will precede the lecture at 7 p.m. in the South Ballroom. All events are free and open to the public.

  • Aquaculture outreach at Iowa State evolves with industry

    The North Central Regional Aquaculture Center at Iowa State University advances emerging trends in the aquaculture industry and identifies research questions that will help the industry progress. The center gathers input from aquaculture producers in 12 Midwestern states and directs federal funds to research and extension projects accordingly.

  • Iowa State cyber security experts make virtual lab available for classrooms, competitions

    Iowa State cyber security experts have developed ISERink (ice rink) as a playground for computer competition, training and research. Thanks to support from the National Science Foundation, the software is now available for free to other universities, colleges and community colleges.

  • Activities set for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week at ISU, Feb. 19-27

    A lawyer who suffered from body dysmorphic disorder for 30 years will be the headline speaker for Iowa State's National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Feb. 19-27. Activities include a documentary about Demi Lovato's recovery from an eating disorder, building a life-size doll with Barbie's disproportionate measurements and a brown bag lunch mindful eating experience. All events are free and open to the public.

  • Gender roles: Men and women are not so different after all

    Gender is a large part of our identity that is often defined by our psychological differences as men and women. Not surprisingly, those differences are reflected in many gender stereotypes – men rarely share their feelings, while women are more emotional – but an Iowa State University researcher says in reality men and women are more alike than we may think.

  • Iowa State University research: G-quadruplexes in corn genome may control stress response

    A research team including Iowa State University and U.S. Department of Agriculture personnel has identified genetic structures in corn that may shed light on how crops respond to floods and other environmental stresses.

  • Kepler astronomers discover ancient star with five Earth-size planets

    Iowa State's Steve Kawaler is part of an international team that used data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft to find an 11.2 billion-year-old star with at least five Earth-size planets. The discovery tells astronomers that Earth-size planets have been forming for most of the history of the universe. And that, according to a paper just published by The Astrophysical Journal, leaves “open the possibility for the existence of ancient life in the Galaxy."

  • ISU will host 'Honor and Sacrifice' documentary and filmmaker Feb. 17

    Japanese American Ray Matsumoto was an internment camp detainee when he enlisted in the U.S. military during World War II. While his brothers fought for Japan, he became a decorated hero. His story is told in a powerful, award-winning documentary. Iowa State will host a showing of the film and a panel discussion with the filmmaker during "Honor and Sacrifice: Remembering a Japanese-American Hero" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, in the Memorial Union Great Hall.

  • Iowa State University veterinary researcher studies potential therapy for hydrogen sulfide poisoning

    Iowa State University research is investigating the long-term neurological damage caused by hydrogen sulfide poisoning, a threat to both humans and animals that can originate from sources as varied as swamps to industrial processes to manure pits. The research has implications for human health, veterinary medicine and national security.

  • Iowa State students part of global challenge to reduce food insecurity

    Two Iowa State University undergrads want to be part of the solution to end world hunger. It’s a daunting task considering that it will take a 70 percent increase in food production by 2050 to meet the demands of a growing global population. The students will spend the next semester working on solutions to achieve food security as part of the Land O’Lakes Global Food Challenge Emerging Leaders for Food Security fellowship.

  • ISU professor says Facebook not to blame for negative impact on grades

    It may not come as a surprise that the more time college students, particularly freshmen, spend on Facebook, the more their grades suffer. In his latest study, Reynol Junco, an associate professor of education at Iowa State University, found that while freshman struggle to balance their use, social media is less of a problem for upper classmen. The difference relates to self-regulation.

  • Live attenuated influenza vaccines may have advantages for use in swine, according to Iowa State University research

    New research at Iowa State University demonstrates that live attenuated influenza vaccines, administered intranasally to swine, provoke a broader immune response than whole inactivated virus vaccines, which are the current standard. That broader immune response provides better cross-protection against variant influenza viruses circulating in swine.