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Friday, July 3 2020

  • ISU Police hope to lead by example in community policing efforts

    The Iowa State University Police Department wants to serve as an example for other law enforcement agencies to see how acknowledging and working to change problems within the profession can turn into positive change in their communities. The department’s Engagement and Inclusion Officer Team is being recognized for its work in this area.

  • Researchers print, tune graphene sensors to monitor food freshness, safety

    Researchers are using high-resolution printing technology and the unique properties of graphene to make low-cost biosensors to monitor food safety and livestock health.

  • Economic analysis shows how ISU soybean trials generate value for farmers

    Farmers and seed companies in Iowa and Illinois saved millions of dollars in recent years because of data generated by Iowa State University field trials that tested soybean varieties resistant to the soybean cyst nematode. A new study used economic models to determine how willing farmers are to pay a premium for resistant soybean varieties compared to susceptible varieties.

  • Researchers building cyber-physical system to monitor crops, drive decisions, boost yields

    Researchers at Iowa State University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are combining their expertise in electronics, computing and crops to develop a cyber-physical system that will monitor fields at almost single-plant resolution. The idea is to predict crop productivity and help farmers manage their water and fertilizer use. The project is supported by a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  • Chemists developing paper-strip urine test for at-home/office/clinic COVID-19 evaluation

    Robbyn Anand and her students are developing a paper-strip urine test to detect the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The tests are based on Anand's expertise in electrokinetics, using electric fields to concentrate, separate, isolate and manipulate charged particles. A grant from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement is supporting the project.


  • Engineers work to keep power lines and bridge cables steady when windstorms blow

    Iowa State engineers are doing wind-tunnel tests and computer simulations to understand and predict how the cables that carry power or support bridges will react to high winds. The goal is to prevent them from dangerously whirling in the wind, causing cables or structures to catastrophically fail.

  • Fall semester will start early at Iowa State

    Iowa State University’s fall semester will start a week early and wrap up the day before Thanksgiving. In a letter today to the campus community, President Wendy Wintersteen announced several initiatives including changes to the academic calendar as well as plans for COVID-19 testing and contact tracing, class size and delivery and occupancy rates for the residence halls to limit the spread of illness on campus.

  • Link between liver and heart disease could lead to new therapeutics

    A newly published study of flies found that protecting liver function also preserves heart health. The research could lead to new therapeutic approaches in human health and illuminate the role of understudied organelles known as peroxisomes. 

  • Artist’s illustrations create ‘visual headlines’ about pandemic

    Miriam Martincic, assistant teaching professor of graphic design at Iowa State University, is creating a series of illustrations about the COVID-19 pandemic. Her work includes drawings about social distancing, honoring health care workers and showing how the transition online feels for teachers.

  • Progress toward gender balance, but more work needed

    Cities and counties across the state continue to work toward achieving gender balance on commissions and boards, according to a new report from the Catt Center for Women and Politics. While the report shows progress at both levels, Iowa State's Kelly Winfrey says there is still work to be done.