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Wednesday, June 22 2005


Demolition work under way at Storms, Knapp halls

Contractors are working to prepare Knapp and Storms residence halls for implosion between July 19 and 21.

News release.

Dean of students search begins

Sharon McGuire, assistant dean of students and director of the Academic Success Center, has been named interim dean of students, effective July 1. A national search to fill the dean of students position is under way.

News article.

Ribbon-tying event to mark founding of college

Iowa State University will mark the founding of the College of Human Sciences with a ceremonial ribbon-tying event at 10 a.m. Friday, July 1, on Osborn Drive between MacKay Hall and Lagomarcino Hall.

News release.

Sarkar lobbies for research funding

Partha Sarkar, associate professor of aerospace engineering, talked to congressional staff members about his tornado and wind research in a "Science 101" seminar June 20 in Washington, D.C.

Coalition article.

Interim director named for arts and humanities center

Brenda Daly, University Professor of English, has been appointed interim director of the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities.

News release.

Device provides directions via cell phones, handhelds

A team of Iowa State students has come up with a way for airports -- or any other large operation -- to forward useful directions and messages to your cell phone or handheld computer.

News release.

New department: Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services is the name for Iowa State's new centralized info technology department. Four units merged to create the department and a more coordinated approach to university information technology (IT) needs, says chief information officer Jim Davis.

News release.

Student-developed device helps blind tell who's nearby

A team of ISU students' developed a device to help blind people recognize who's around them at home and work. The invention puts the students in the finals in an international Microsoft competition.

News release.

Regents approve sale of Ankeny farm

The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, has approved the sale of Iowa State's 1,031-acre Ankeny dairy farm.

News release.

NSF executive will become next vice provost for research

John Brighton, an assistant director of the National Science Foundation and head of its Engineering Directorate, will become Iowa State's vice provost for research Sept. 1. He has been appointed to a three-year term.

News release.