News Archive
Wednesday, June 22 2011
Settlement reached in veterinary medicine dispute
Litigation involving Iowa State University, a veterinary emergency and specialty care clinic and a competing clinic (both in Des Moines) concluded June 22 with the announcement of a settlement.
Parents prefer media content ratings system in national study led by ISU's Douglas Gentile

Iowa State hybrid lab combines technologies to make biorenewable fuels and products
The Hybrid Processing Laboratory located just inside the front
door of Iowa State University's new Biorenewables Research
Laboratory is increasingly busy. It's a place where
researchers in biochemical and thermochemical sciences work
together to develop technologies that produce biorenewable
fuels and chemicals. And it's a showcase for the
multidisciplinary work promoted by Iowa State's Bioeconomy
Greenlee School students earn second place in prestigious Effie Collegiate PSA Challenge

Scott Boyken
ISU graduate student selected for annual Nobel Prize conference in Germany
Doctoral student Scott Boyken is one of 550 young scientists chosen from more than 25,000 applicants worldwide to attend a Nobel Laureate conference in Lindau, Germany, that will focus on research in physiology and medical sciences.
Clough plans to improve science education as president of international teaching group