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Saturday, April 21 2018

  • April’s cold and snow shouldn’t worry farmers – yet

    Despite cold and snowy conditions this spring, there’s still enough time for most Iowa farmers to plant corn and soybeans without having to worry about reduced yields due to a shortened growing season, according to an ISU agronomist. But any further delays to planting could mean some farmers will be cutting it close.

  • CYstarters accelerator supports students’ big ideas

    With ideas ranging from boomboxes to aerial videography, a cohort of Iowa State students will spend 10 weeks this summer working to develop and grow their businesses. The students were selected for the CYstarters program, which provides support and financing for entrepreneurs. 

  • Diving into the history of planned communities in Iowa State honors seminar

    This spring, Iowa State University students examined planned and ideal communities in “A Good Place,” an honors seminar that took students on a journey through former and existing planned communities in the U.S. and utopian and egalitarian ideals, including studies of the Amana Colonies in Iowa and an assignment to create their own hypothetical planned community.

  • Iowa State architecture students create massive, twisting structure for Reiman Gardens exhibition

    This spring, 77 students in Iowa State University’s second-year architecture studios designed, built and installed a 1,300-square-foot structure at Reiman Gardens for its “Forces of Nature” kinetic art exhibition, on display April 28 through Nov. 3.

  • Iowa State engineers create innovative disaster relief container for 3M challenge

    Iowa State University engineering students have developed a new, practical and cost-effective way to drop medical supplies into a disaster area as part of the inaugural 3M Disruptive Design Challenge last week at 3M headquarters. Their air-drop container survived a 150-foot fall and water submersion, and was successfully repurposed as a stretcher.

  • Iowa State University anatomy lab is finishing its first year with human donors

    The Iowa State University Biomedical Sciences Department for the first time offered a human anatomy course involving the study of human cadavers this year. The course was made possible through a partnership with the University of Iowa’s deeded body program and utilizes a new, state-of-the art laboratory.

  • Filmmaker will preview IPTV George Washington Carver documentary at Iowa State

    Iowa State University will have an opportunity to screen part of a new Iowa Public Television documentary about George Washington Carver before its statewide premiere later this month.

  • Experience of black doctoral students underscores need to increase diversity in STEM fields

    The danger and risk of riding out a storm is symbolic of the decision black men make to pursue a graduate degree in engineering. They do so knowing they will face challenges, but the barriers described by black men who shared their experiences as part of a six-year study show how race was a greater obstacle than they expected.

  • While out hunting planets, NASA’s TESS survey will also help astronomers study stars

    Iowa State University's Steve Kawaler is heading back to Cape Canaveral this month to witness the launch of another planet-hunting spacecraft. This one, called TESS, will image 85 percent of the sky over the next two years, helping astronomers find planets beyond our solar system. Kawaler and other astronomers will also use TESS data to study stars.

  • Iowa State University center leads the charge on water quality improvement and innovation

    A research center at Iowa State University is looking for new and innovative projects to fund that address the state’s water quality and nutrient runoff from agricultural fields. Since 2013, the Iowa Nutrient Research Center has funded 60 projects, many of which address issues such as farm management practices and soil health, with a total of more than $7 million.

  • Research on coastal housing recovery after natural disasters shows gaps in recovery policies

    A team including an Iowa State University researcher studied Galveston, Texas, homes following Hurricane Ike, finding that the types of housing and homeowners – and how U.S. recovery policy handles each – played a major role in recovery outcomes.

  • ISU students, Ames community contribute to History Unfolded project

    Reading news reports about the Holocaust in the pages of a hometown or local paper is a powerful way for people to connect with that period in history. That is why Jeremy Best encourages his students and the public to visit local libraries and historical societies in search of these stories. The ISU assistant professor of history feels it is so important, he created a research assignment requiring students to find news coverage about the Holocaust and share the stories with the Holocaust Museum’s History Unfolded project.

  • New report shows promise for Cedar Rapids' ag, bioprocessing industries

    Iowa State, in cooperation with the City of Cedar Rapids, has released a report identifying new, emerging technologies that could be a starting point for increased economic activity, jobs and start-up companies in the city’s agricultural and bioprocessing industries.

  • Lawrence named vice president of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

    John Lawrence, a 27-year Iowa State faculty member and administrator, has been named vice president of ISU Extension and Outreach following a national search. Lawrence had served as interim VP since March 2017.

  • 50 years after release, ‘2001’ remains one of the greatest

    Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” set a new standard for science-fiction films when it was released 50 years ago. Justin Remes, an assistant professor of film studies at Iowa State, says the music and images that made it so powerful in 1968 are why it is still a great film today.

  • Clients, students benefit from work through CyBIZ Lab

    The idea to develop a futures contract for the bulk trucking industry appeared to fit a need, but before investing in the concept, leaders of a Tennessee-based company wanted to know if the market would support it. They turned to Iowa State’s CyBIZ Lab for help with a market assessment. Student researchers working in the lab helped the company redefine its plans.

  • Iowa State University researchers test new solutions to carcass disposal during food-animal disease outbreaks

    Experiments testing a hybrid method of disposing of animal carcasses following animal health emergencies could point the way toward safer and more efficient carcass burial. The results of the experiments were published recently in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.