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Saturday, October 22 2016

  • Leath releases statement on travel policy review

    In a statement, President Steven Leath noted that while a Board of Regents review of his use of university aircraft and the university's purchase of planes didn't violate policy, "there are clearly things I can improve with regard to my  use of the planes and there are things we can do as a university to clarify our policies." Leath added he supports the Board’s decision to expand its review.

  • How Iowa State University’s agricultural and biosystems engineering program achieved its No. 1 national ranking

    Rankings by U.S. News & World Report magazine say Iowa State University's program in agriculture and biosystems engineering is the country's No. 1 program for undergraduates and the No. 2 program for graduate students. The rankings highlight the interdisciplinary culture at Iowa State, new facilities on campus and the contributions of donors.

  • Renowned author Margaret Atwood will speak Nov. 1

    "I think calling it climate change is rather limiting. I would rather call it the everything change," said writer and environmental activist Margaret Atwood, who will speak at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. "Which Future? Fiction and the Everything Change" is free and open to the public. Atwood's critically acclaimed work is widely known for its commentary on the human condition and female experience. She has written more than 40 works of fiction, poetry and critical essay. 

  • ISU’s Carriquiry named to National Academy of Medicine

    An Iowa State University Distinguished Professor of statistics, whose work has advanced the understanding of nutrition and dietary assessment, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine. Alicia Carriquiry is one of two Iowa State faculty among the 70 new members and nine international members the academy announced.

  • ISU’s Roth named to National Academy of Medicine

    James Roth, Clarence Hartley Covault Distinguished Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine at Iowa State, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine. Roth is one of two Iowa State faculty among the 70 new members and nine international members the academy announced on Monday. Induction into the academy is considered one of the highest honors for researchers in the fields of health and medicine.

  • Leath: Partnerships key to solving food challenges

    Iowa State University President Steven Leath told an international audience this week the key to significant research advancements in world food supply, food security and environmental stewardship is commitment to public-private partnerships. Leath joined four other higher education panelists at the World Food Prize events in Des Moines this past week.

  • Iowa African-American Hall of Fame announces 2016 inductees

    The Iowa African-American Hall of Fame will induct four new members -- Kesho Scott, Betty Andrews, Henry Harper and and James B. Morris Jr. -- in November. They will be recognized at a reception and banquet starting at 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4, at the Holiday Inn Des Moines Airport, 6111 Fleur Drive. Tickets are $50 per person or $500 for a table of 10. Reservations may be made through Multicultural Student Affairs Director Kenyatta Shamburger at 515-294-6338. In addition to supporting the IAAHF, proceeds provide scholarships for developing youth leadership at Iowa colleges and universities.

  • Iowa State University veterinarian identifies a genetically novel virus associated with polio-like symptoms in pigs

    ISU veterinarians are investigating a newly discovered virus that may lead to polio-like weakness in the hind legs of young pigs.

  • President Leath's use of ISU Flight Service

    Iowa State University has received multiple public records requests from the media and other individuals pertaining to ISU Flight Service and President Leath’s use of university aircraft. In an effort to be open and efficient, we have developed the following FAQ with links to requested documents.

  • Time magazine writer will discuss internet trolls and the culture of hate online

    Time magazine's Joel Stein will discuss how internet trolling infects our real-life interactions, including politics, in "The Age of Trolls." His talk will be at 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. It is part of ISU's National Affair series: "When American Values Are in Conflict." Best known for the magazine's weekly humor column, Stein also has authored 15 cover stories for Time — most recently, "Why We're Losing the Internet to a Culture of Hate."

  • Iowa State University plant pathologists study how Asian soybean rust fungus overrides plant immune systems

    ISU plant pathologists have discovered evidence that a protein secreted by the Asian rust fungus pathogen cripples a soybean’s immune system, allowing the fungus to flourish.

  • MEDIA ADVISORY: Iowa State experts available to comment on 2016 presidential election

    The countdown is on to Election Day. These Iowa State faculty can provide expert commentary on the 2016 presidential election, and issues ranging from voter behavior to gender issues to campaign rhetoric.

  • Iowa State nets $9.6 million to increase STEM diversity, prepare future faculty

    Iowa State University has received nearly $10 million from the National Science Foundation to support four programs that aim to increase diversity in science, technology, engineering and math fields. The grants will provide scholarships, support academic and professional development and encourage graduate students to pursue faculty careers.

  • Iowa State adds National Academy of Engineering member to faculty

    Iowa State University alumnus and National Academy of Engineering member Lanny Robbins has joined the ISU faculty. He will begin his new role Jan. 1, 2017.

  • Plans underway for 2017 classes at Iowa State University's new Montana-based conservation camp

    New courses are being developed and adapted to begin in summer 2017 at Iowa State's new Rod and Connie French Conservation Education Camp, nestled in the remote and rugged Bitterroot Mountains west of Missoula, Montana. The camp was established through a $4.1 million gift from the French family. The camp, surrounded by the Lolo National Forest, will immerse ISU's predominantly Midwest students in the diverse ecosystem of western Montana. It's a similar model to Iowa State's geology field camp in Wyoming, which has been operating since 1957.

  • Iowa State researchers fabricate microfibers for single-cell studies, tissue engineering

    Iowa State researchers are using the science of microfluidics -- the study of fluids moving through channels just a millionth of a meter wide -- to design and fabricate microfiber scaffolds that support cell growth and tissue engineering. The researchers' findings were recently published in the journal Biomacromolecules.

  • Science Bound celebrates 25 years of pursuing academic excellence

    Science Bound is celebrating 25 years of empowering Iowa students of color to pursue degrees and careers in STEM fields. Graduates and current students credit the program for fostering their interest in science and pushing them to excel academically.  

  • Iowa State University scientists identify new lead in search for Parkinson’s cure

    In a paper published in the academic journal Nature Communications, ISU scientists identified a protein that may safeguard neurons from the ravages of Parkinson’s disease.

  • Iowa State University scientists propose a new strategy to accelerate plant breeding by turbocharging gene banks

    A new study led by an Iowa State University agronomist may help scientists sift through vast amounts of plant seeds stored worldwide to identify those useful to plant breeders. The research may “turbocharge” the usefulness of gene banks in producing better crop varieties.

  • Design piracy a tough case even for fashion police

    Fashion piracy is a legal quagmire that dates back to the late 19th century. In her new book, Iowa State professor Sara Marcketti explains why consumer demand is a driving force, and why some designers are taking legal action. 

  • Iowa State, Ames Laboratory researchers developing new steel for better electric motors

    Researchers from Iowa State and the Ames Laboratory are leading development of a new kind of steel for the motors in electric vehicles. The new steel would help make the motors smaller, lighter, more powerful and more cost effective. The U.S. Department of Energy is supporting the work with a three-year, $3.8 million grant.

  • Iowa State, Chevron team up to develop pilot plant, advance biofuel technology

    Iowa State engineers are working with Chevron U.S.A. to develop a pilot plant and study an advanced biorenewables technology called solvent liquefaction. The technology converts biomass such as quarter-inch wood chips into a bio-oil that can be processed into fuels or chemicals and a biochar that can enrich soils. The project is supported by a four-year, $3.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.

  • The risk and reward of financial sector reform in the U.S.

    The value of risk capital is often overlooked or forgotten in debates about financial sector reform. A finance professor and the dean of Iowa State University's College of Business explain why risk capital is critical for high-risk ventures, and how reform efforts have limited economic growth. 

  • Statement from President Steven Leath about his use of Iowa State University-owned aircraft

    Iowa State University President Steven Leath today (Monday, Oct. 26) provided a statement regarding his use of Iowa State University-owned aircraft.