News Archive
Sunday, April 10 2005
Iowa State students float on concrete
Iowa State University students will race their concrete canoe in a regional competition later this month. And it really floats.
Solar car unveiling April 16
Iowa State University students are working long hours to get their latest solar car ready for July's race from Texas to Canada. They've named their car Fusion and will unveil it April 16.
First Amendment celebration April 10-16
A slate of public events are part of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication's celebration of the First Amendment April 10-16.
Veterinary Medicine college celebrates 125th
This year marks the 125th anniversary of the College of Veterinary Medicine, the nation's oldest public veterinary college and the first veterinary college west of the Mississippi.
Plan for pets when planning vacation
Taking FiFi and Fluffy on vacation is easier than it used to be, but still requires plenty of advance work, says ISU veterinarian Kim Langholz. She offers tips for including pets in your vacation.
Time to rethink handling of garbage
Re-think how society deals with waste, says Mira Engler, ISU landscape architect and author of the book, "Designing America's Waste Landscapes." Engler recommends creative responses to the growing environmental problem of waste disposal. She challenges designers to design waste landscapes as integral, essential parts of life.
Human computer interaction expert to speak
Nationally known expert on human computer interaction Robert Kraut will discuss "Technology for Managing Human Attention" Monday, April 11 (9:45 a.m.).
Pet care seminar April 26
ISU community practice veterinarians will offer a basic pet care seminar for pet owners April 26.
Student groups named national chapter of the year
ISU's Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences student group was named national Chapter of the Year at MANRRS' recent conference in Pittsburgh.
Iowa State alumnus Ted Kooser wins Pulitzer
Ted Kooser, ISU alumnus and U.S. poet laureate, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry on April 4 for his latest collection of poems, "Delights and Shadows."
Name change coming for chemical engineering department
The department of chemical engineering will become the department of chemical and biological engineering on July 1.

It's a wrap
Partha Sarkar, aerospace engineering associate professor, Wilson chair, and director of wind tunnel operations, is interviewed by a National Geographic Explorer documentary crew during an April 1 location shoot at ISU. The "Operation Tornado" program will air on MSNBC in late summer or early fall. The tornado/microburst simulator in ISU's Howe Hall and research being conducted by Sarkar, assistant professor Fred Haan, aerospace engineering; and associate professor Bill Gallus, meteorology, is the focus of the show. ISU faculty were joined by Tim Samaras, an engineer and storm chaser from Denver, who was at Iowa State to test his newest tornado probe in the lab before trying it in the field. The National Geographic crew also filmed segments at the Virtual Reality Applications Center during their three-day shoot.
Biosafety symposium April 19
Issues surrounding the safe production of genetically modified foods will be discussed by leading experts at a symposium April 19.
Student fashion show is April 16
Textiles and clothing students will show their creations at their annual fashion show April 16.