News Archive
Wednesday, April 18 2012
Three finalists named in provost search
David Manderscheid, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at
the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Carlo Montemagno, Founding
Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the
University of Cincinnati; and Jonathan Wickert, dean of the
College of Engineering at Iowa State, have been named finalists
in the search for ISU's senior vice president and
provost. They will be on campus later this month to meet
with members of the university community and participate in
open forum events.
Chew on this: study finds additional chewing reduces food intake in young adults

A new Iowa State University study found that chewing food thoroughly -- 40 times before swallowing -- also reduces food intake in healthy young adults. James Hollis, an Iowa State assistant professor of food science and human nutrition (FSHN); and Yong Zhu, an FSHN doctoral research assistant, will present results from their research on Saturday, April 21, at the Experimental Biology 2012 Conference in San Diego, Calif.
Iowa State University student named Udall Scholar

An Iowa State senior in industrial engineering has been named a 2012 Udall Scholar by the Udall Foundation. Casey Fangmann is one of 80 students in the nation to win the prestigious and highly competitive scholarship. Selected from a field of 585 candidates nominated by 274 schools, Fangmann is known on campus for his work with The Green Umbrella and TheGreenHouse Group. The award was announced by the University Honors Program, which coordinates nominations and applications.
Bring on Veishea
Iowa State's beautiful spring campus backdrop is ready. Student organizers of the university's annual festival are ready. And April 16-22, the Iowa State community will be ready to celebrate the 90-year tradition that is Veishea.
April 18 forum to focus on biotechnology, regulation, trade and coexistence
Iowa State University's Biosafety Institute for Genetically Modified Agricultural Products (BIGMAP) will welcome experts to discuss the role of regulation in biotechnology and genetically modified agriculture production at an April 18 symposium, "Agricultural Biotechnology Regulation, Trade and Coexistence." BIGMAP's ninth annual conference runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center in Ames. Register now; ISU faculty and staff may attend free of charge, but must respond by 5 p.m. April 12.

Iowa State researchers find, test winds extending far away from Alabama tornados path
Christopher Karstens, an Iowa State University doctoral student from Atlantic, was studying a deadly Alabama tornado when he noticed high winds from the storm travelled along valleys and knocked down trees. He built a 3-D model of that Alabama terrain and is using Iowa State's Tornado/Microburst Simulator to confirm rough, complex terrain can channel tornado winds.
Iverson to receive 2012 Greenlee School James W. Schwartz Award

Barbara Riedesel Iverson, president of Weber Shandwick's financial services industry practice and 1976 Iowa State journalism graduate, has been chosen as this year's recipient of the James W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and Communication. Iverson will be presented the award on Friday, Oct. 26, in Hamilton Hall as part of ISU's homecoming activities.