News Archive
Friday, June 17 2011

Iowa State hybrid lab combines technologies to make biorenewable fuels and products
The Hybrid Processing Laboratory located just inside the front
door of Iowa State University's new Biorenewables Research
Laboratory is increasingly busy. It's a place where
researchers in biochemical and thermochemical sciences work
together to develop technologies that produce biorenewable
fuels and chemicals. And it's a showcase for the
multidisciplinary work promoted by Iowa State's Bioeconomy
Greenlee School students earn second place in prestigious Effie Collegiate PSA Challenge

Scott Boyken
ISU graduate student selected for annual Nobel Prize conference in Germany
Doctoral student Scott Boyken is one of 550 young scientists chosen from more than 25,000 applicants worldwide to attend a Nobel Laureate conference in Lindau, Germany, that will focus on research in physiology and medical sciences.
Clough plans to improve science education as president of international teaching group

Researchers will begin tracking performance of ISU Solar Decathlon House at Honey Creek State Park
When Iowa State University participated in the U.S. Department
of Energy's 2009 Solar Decathlon competition, the plan was
to eventually monitor the long-term performance of the
solar-powered Interlock House, which was designed and
constructed by students. The house has been reassembled at the
Iowa Department of Natural Resources' Honey Creek Resort
State Park for use as the nature interpretive center and staff
offices. And Iowa State researchers are gearing up to track the
building's performance in Iowa's climate.

ISU architecture students are building nation's smallest velodrome for Des Moines
They're calling it Cyclodrome. And deep in the bowels of
Iowa State's College of Design, the 15 architecture
graduate students are working at a frenetic pace to build it.
Even though they had never before seen, ridden or even heard of
a velodrome. Even though no plans or dimensions existed to
guide them. They're building the nation's smallest
velodrome for the nonprofit Des Moines Bike Collective. And it
should be ready to roll in Des Moines on July 8.

Superheroes, tsunamis, bugs and brains top Iowa State's summer blockbuster classes
Summer school used to be the time to take dreaded classes or
play catch up. But these days, it comes in all shapes, sizes,
locations, subjects and modes. At Iowa State, the summer course
offerings cover the gamut. From the impact of geologic
disasters to the invention of the superhero ... from the why of
motion sickness to the how of celestial navigation ... from the
history of the kimono to the future of downtown Des