News Archive
Sunday, October 31 2010
Iowa Hall of Pride exhibit memorializes Jack Shelley
The Iowa Hall of Pride has created an exhibit dedicated to Iowa broadcasting icon and ISU Professor Emeritus Jack Shelley, who died Sept. 14 at age 98. The exhibit, which features highlights of Shelley's career and a video produced by the Archives of Iowa Broadcasting, will remain on display through 2010. The Hall of Pride is located in HyVee Hall at the Iowa Events Center, 330 Park St., Des Moines. All Iowa K-12 students are admitted free; adults pay $5. The Iowa Hall of Pride is open Monday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
ISU Hilton Chair Steven Blair to discuss whether weight or activity is more important to health

News release.

NASAs Kepler Mission changing how astronomers study distant stars
NASA's Kepler Mission is changing how Iowa State
University's Steve Kawaler and his fellow astronomers study
stars. Kepler, launched in March 2009, is returning data the
astronomers say is amazing for its quantity and quality.
Kepler, Kawaler said, is "a discovery machine."
Author of new biography on Grant Wood will speak at Iowa State Nov. 7

The author of the first new biography of artist Grant Wood in
nearly 70 years will speak about his book, "Grant Wood: A
Life," at Iowa State. R. Tripp Evans will discuss and read
from his groundbreaking book at 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7, in the
Morrill Hall Auditorium, Room 2019. Published this month by
Alfred A. Knopf, Evans' book uncovers the Iowa-born
artist's personal life and the many ways it contradicted
his public image.
ISU students design community center from shipping containers for La Croix, Haiti

Some Iowa State architecture students are creating a community
center out of recycled shipping containers in a Haitian
village. This fall, they will test their design ideas and
construction techniques on a shipping container in their own
neighborhood. Last summer, the eight students spent a week in
La Croix, an agricultural community of about 15,000 people.
Now, they're taking an independent study with Assistant
Professor Nadia Anderson to develop the details of their
design. A "practice" container has been delivered and
set up for them to work on in Ames.

Grape acres in Iowa grow to more than 1,200 with help of Iowa State University
With more than 85 state-licensed wineries and 413 vineyards covering more than 1,200 acres, the wine industry is growing in Iowa, due, in part, to the help of Iowa State University.
ISU political experts differ on outlook for gubernatorial race as election day nears

Iowa State, Ames Lab chemists discover proton mechanism used by flu virus to infect cells
Chemists led by Mei Hong of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory have discovered the shuttle mechanism that relays protons from a healthy cell into a flu virus. The proton movement is an important part of the flu virus life cycle. The findings are published in the Oct. 22 issue of the journal Science.
Iowa State's student meteorology club named nation's top chapter
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) named Iowa
State's student group Outstanding Student Chapter of the
Year for 2009-10. The award recognizes community service and
outreach, professional development pursuits and AMS
involvement. It will be presented at the AMS national
conference in Seattle in January. Iowa State's chapter has
70 members and is one of 61 student groups in the
MIT blackjack team player who inspired a book and movie will speak Nov. 3

Jeffrey Ma, strategy expert and subject of the best seller "Bringing Down The House" and "21," the movie about the MIT Blackjack Team, will speak at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Ma is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Citizen Sports, the sports media company that is changing how businesses use numbers and metrics to build their brand and retain customers. His talk, "The House Advantage: Playing the Odds to Win Big in Business," is free and open to the public.
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co-President Heiden to present Nov. 2 Stafford Lecture