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Sunday, November 4 2012

  • What to watch for on Election Day: Iowa State political experts chime in

    For Iowa political junkies, it’ll be a tall order to cut through the fog of Election Day to keep tabs on how things are shaping up. Luckily, political experts at Iowa State University have highlighted some plot threads that political watchers should keep an eye on as the drama unfolds.

  • Gold Star Hall Ceremony will honor World War II hero

    A true World War II hero will be honored during Iowa State's Gold Star Hall Ceremony. Don Beerbower, who attended Iowa State's creamery operation program in 1940-41, was a highly decorated triple ace fighter pilot who died when he created a diversion for his squadron while bombing German airfields in France in August of 1944.The Gold Star Hall Ceremony will be at 3:15, Monday, Nov. 12, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. It is free and open to the public.

  • Gold Star Hall Ceremony will honor fallen World War II pilot from Hartley

    Iowa State's Gold Star Hall Ceremony will honor a farm boy from Hartley who attended Iowa State from 1939-41, before enlisting in the Army Air Corps to serve in World War II. Allan James Ewoldt died in an air strike over Sicily, Italy, on July 5, 1943.  He was co-pilot of the B17 Flying Fortress with the 348th Squadron, 99th Bomb Group. It was his 33rd mission in just three-and-a-half months. The Gold Star Hall Ceremony will be at 3:15, Monday, Nov. 12, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. It is free and open to the public.

  • Iowa State, Ames Lab researchers find three unique cell-to-cell bonds

    Researchers led by Sanjeevi Sivasankar of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory are studying how biological cells connect to each other. Problems with cell adhesion can lead to diseases, including cancers and cardiovascular problems. The research team's findings have been published online by the Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  • School kids, Iowa State graduate students teach each other lessons in science

    Iowa State University graduate students are teaching science, technology, engineering and math to Des Moines middle and high school students. It's part of Symbi, a program designed to help graduate students learn to effectively talk about their research. The program also gives younger students a chance to work with real scientists and engineers.

  • ISU Biotechnology Outreach Education Center recognized by Iowa Academy of Science

    The ISU Biotechnology Outreach Education Program recently received the Friend of Science Award from the Iowa Academy of Science for contributions to science education. The center has worked with thousands of teachers and around 250,000 Iowa students to promote science in the classroom.

  • Finalists announced for ISU Foundation president

    Patricia Borger, vice chancellor, development and alumni relations at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; and Roger Neuhaus, senior vice president for development and university campaigns at the University of Arizona Foundation, are finalists for the ISU Foundation presidency. They will meet with university officials and foundation volunteers and staff during the first two weeks of November.

  • CNN’s Crowley to analyze election results Nov. 13 at Iowa State

    Candy Crowley, CNN’s chief political correspondent and the first woman to moderate a presidential debate in 20 years, will deliver a lecture at Iowa State University on Tuesday, Nov. 13, one week after Americans go to the polls for the 2012 election.

  • Iowa State researchers double down on heat to break up cellulose, produce fuels and power

    Iowa State University engineers and researchers have built and are testing a bio-oil gasifier. It will allow them to combine two thermochemical technologies to produce the next generation of fuels from renewable sources such as corn stalks and wood chips.

  • ISU study: Aphid attacks weaken genetic defenses in soybeans, may open door for other pests

    Aphids possess a unique ability to block the genetic defense response of soybeans and may open the door for other pests to do even more damage to crops, according to a recent study by researchers at Iowa State University. The paper found that aphids essentially can short-circuit the hormonal defense mechanism in soybeans meant to combat insect infestations, making it easier for other pests, such as the soybean cyst nematode, to colonize the plant as well.

  • Evolving microbes help Iowa State engineers turn bio-oil into advanced biofuels

    A research team led by Iowa State University's Laura Jarboe is working to develop hungry, robust microbes that can ferment biofuels from the bio-oil produced by rapidly heating biomass such as corn stalks and sawdust. It's all part of Iowa State's efforts to combine two conversion paths -- thermochemical and biochemical -- to find efficient ways to produce renewable fuels and chemicals.