News Archive
Wednesday, January 12 2005
Lego robot tourney Jan. 22
What inspires a 10-year old to want to be an engineer when she grows up? It could be the fun she had designing and building a LEGO robot for a FIRST LEGO League tournament. Iowa State's College of Engineering will host the state's tournament between 50 teams, Jan. 22.
Studies: SBD Centers help economy
Iowa Small Business Development Centers have significant economic impact on Iowa's tax revenues, job creation and retention, capital acquisition and sales growth, according to recent independent studies.
Olson named science educator of year
Joanne Olson has been named the nation's top new science teacher educator by the Association for Science Teacher Education.
Students launch fund-raiser for tsunami vicims
Iowa State students are collecting donations to aid earthquake and tsunami victims.
King holiday celebration set
A carillon concert, party and community gathering are part of the Iowa State and Ames community celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.

500-plus orchids
More than 500 orchids, such as the one named "Spring" (shown), are on display in the Reiman Gardens conservatory through March 5. General admission is $7.