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Friday, February 26 2021

  • Iowa State named a top producer of Fulbright Scholars

    Iowa State University is among the U.S. colleges and universities that produced the most Fulbright U.S. Scholars for 2020-21, as announced by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Six Iowa State scholars were offered Fulbright Awards for 2020-21.

  • Edward Snowden will address digital surveillance in upcoming ISU lecture

    Edward Snowden, the former CIA officer and National Security Agency consultant who leaked information about global surveillance programs, will speak live from Moscow in an Iowa State University lecture on March 4.

  • UV light shows promise in mitigation of costly swine virus

    Experiments testing the ability of ultraviolet light to stop the spread of a costly virus for pork producers has shown promise, according to an ISU research team. Ultraviolet light analyzed in experiments irradiates aerosolized droplets of the virus that causes porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. The researchers hope to scale their experiments up to a size comparable to pork production facilities.

  • Grassroots effort becomes ‘bedrock’ of Iowa State experience

    Twenty-five years after learning communities began at Iowa State University, they are now a thriving and integral part of the first-year student experience. And for the nearly 93000 students who have joined a learning community during that time, the relationships and connections made often extend beyond their college years.

  • Ross Hall fire

    Ross Hall will be closed on Monday, Feb. 22, due to a fire. Please avoid the area as police and fire officials investigate and continue to work around Ross Hall.

  • Iowa State particle physicists follow the data to Japan’s Belle II experiment

    Iowa State high-energy physicists Chunhui Chen, Jim Cochran and Soeren Prell have moved their research from the Large Hadron Collider in Europe to the Belle II experiment in Japan. It's a chance to search for new physics at the intensity frontier of more and more particle collisions.

  • Grant to help fill gaps in how livestock manure management affects antibiotic resistance

    Iowa State University researchers received a $1 million grant to study how manure management systems in livestock production may give rise to antibiotic resistance. Human, animal and environmental health interact in complex ways that influence the pace at which antibiotic resistance spreads, and the researchers hope their work will shed light on these connections.

  • ISU researchers use data to help communities discover and solve biggest problems

    The Data Science for the Public Good program, an Iowa State University project to help Iowa towns harness their data, has led to four offshoot projects to help support community recovery related to economic vulnerability, substance use and general support.

  • As climate change cranks up the heat in the Mojave Desert, not all species are equally affected

    A new study shows how climate change is having a much greater impact on birds than small mammals in the Mojave Desert in the southwestern United States. The study could inform conservation practices and shed new light on how climate change affects various species differently. The research drew on cutting-edge computer modeling as well as survey data from more than 100 years ago.

  • Black History Month to be celebrated at Iowa State

    A variety of virtual and in-person events are planned to celebrate Black History Month at Iowa State University and in Ames.

  • One year of COVID-19 response

    It’s been a year since Iowa State University initiated its Emergency Operation Center to provide a coordinated, institution-wide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. So much has happened since Jan. 27, 2020, when university leaders received an initial briefing from the incident management team. This collection of stories highlights some of the hard work, dedication and collaboration across campus.

  • COVID-19 weekly snapshot

    The following information is a supplement to the university's COVID-19 Public Health Data weekly updates. It is intended to provide a brief snapshot of the data and trends identified by Iowa State's public health team.