News Archive
Saturday, September 12 2009
Two ISU students receive Fulbright scholarships
Doctoral students Laura Christianson and Elise Regen have been awarded Fulbright U.S. Student Scholarships for 2009-2010.
As ash borer claims more trees, researcher at ISU works for species survival
Estimates say more than 70 million ash trees have been destroyed nationally by the emerald ash borer insect. Mark Widrlechner, assistant professor of agronomy and horticulture at ISU, is racing the clock to collect seeds from different ash species including green, white, blue, and black ash, and many variations within each species before they are killed by the pest. He thinks he may be about 10 percent there.

The Morgan twins.
Identical twins come from inner city to Iowa State on Gates Millennium Scholarships
When Iowa State's Derrick Rollins visited the inner-city home of two talented brothers and their family in Kansas City, Mo., he talked with them about the school's great facilities, supportive environment and dedication to success. But Rollins wasn't recruiting athletes. He was recruiting engineering students.
Rollins is assistant dean for diversity affairs in Iowa State University's College of Engineering. And his unique, personal approach to finding high-potential minority students and bringing them into the college has landed two of the nation's top recruits: identical twins Jonathan and Donathan Morgan.
Iowa Power Fund helps Iowa State establish Wind Energy Manufacturing Laboratory
Iowa State University researchers are working with TPI Composites Inc. and the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories to study and improve the process used to manufacture wind turbine blades. The researchers' work is supported, in part, by a $2.1 million grant from the Iowa Power Fund.

Solar Decathlon student team prepares Iowa State's solar house for a road trip
How long does it take to disassemble a house, transport it halfway across the country and reconstruct it to exact specifications? For traditional homes, the answer might be months or even years. Thanks to the Interlock House's unique design, the Iowa State University Solar Decathlon Team will accomplish this feat in the span of about three weeks, in time for the Oct. 8 start of the Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon competition on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
It's a record-breaker: Iowa State University fall enrollment nears 28,000
This fall has ushered in Iowa State University's highest-ever enrollment -- 27,945 students, an increase of more than 4 percent compared to fall 2008.
The Post Carbon Institute's Richard Heinberg to speak at ISU Sept. 24
Keynote speaker for ISU's Live Green! Sustainability Series
Richard Heinberg, a leading author on oil depletion and a post carbon world, will keynote Iowa State University's Live Green! Sustainability Series. Heinberg's lecture, "Toward a Post Carbon Food System," will be at 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24 in the Memorial Union Sun Room. ISU President Gregory Geoffroy will kick off the series with brief remarks prior to Heinberg's lecture. The Live Green! Sustainability Series of speakers, panels and forums will address sustainability and energy innovation, and lead up to the university's Live Green Symposium in February 2010. The series includes a panel discussion on ISU sustainable energy innovation research on Oct. 6, and a faculty forum on global climate change on Nov. 3. News Release.

Iowa State students document the freshman-year experience through photos
College of Business hosts free financial literacy seminars over next five Mondays
Iowa State's College of Business is hosting a series of free financial literacy seminars, featuring presentations by area financial leaders, over five consecutive Mondays, starting Sept. 14. Each seminar is open to the public and will take place from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Carver Hall, Room 101. News release.
Goff named Anderson Chair in Veterinary Medicine
Jesse Goff, professor of biomedical sciences at Iowa State, has been named the first Anderson Chair in ISU's College of Veterinary Medicine. The Anderson Chair was established through an anonymous gift to Iowa State, which was combined with matching funds from the State of Iowa (Battelle Endowment) in an effort to enhance the state's biosciences, information technology and advanced manufacturing industries.
Apollo 13 astronaut and space shuttle test pilot Fred Haise to speak Sept. 19
Astronaut Fred Haise, a member of the ill-fated 1970 Apollo 13 space mission who was severely burned while filming "Tora! Tora! Tora!," will speak at Iowa State on Saturday, Sept. 19. His presentation, "Failure is not an Option," will be at 7 p.m. in Stephens Auditorium. The event, which is free and open to the public, is a highlight of Engineers' Week 2009.
Seasonal flu shot clinic for employees under way
ISU employees can get seasonal flu immunizations on campus
weekdays (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) in the Technical Administrative
Services Facility. The clinic will operate weekdays through
Sept. 28 or until the supply of vaccinations is gone. The
immunizations are available to eligible employees at no cost to
ISU exhibit displays ethnic textile traditions of Iowa immigrant and native populations
"The Ethnic Textile Traditions of Iowa Immigrants and Native Populations" will be showcased in the Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill Hall, Wednesday, Sept. 16, through Friday, Nov. 20. The gallery is open weekdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu to speak at Iowa State on Sept. 17
Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu will give a free, public lecture titled "Global Hopscotch: The Borderless World and the Search for Home," at 8 p.m., on Thursday, Sept. 17, in the Sun Room of ISU's Memorial Union.