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Wednesday, September 3 2014

  • ISU will host internationally known fantasy coffin artist of Ghana Sept. 15-19

    Ghana's leading fantasy coffin artist will be an artist-in-residence in Iowa State's Integrated Studio Arts Department, Sept. 15 -19. Eric Adjetey Anang will give a presentation about this ethnic art on Sept. 15. And he will offer workshop demonstrations of his processes while he sculpts a fantasy coffin. A traditional folk art, fantasy coffins are functional, customized coffins sculpted and painted to be figures or objects that represent the deceased. They are exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide. Anang's presentation and demonstrations are open to the public. 

  • Iowa State graphic design student wins Best of Show in Iowa State Fair exhibition

    Maddy Baker, a junior in graphic design from West Des Moines, earned Best of Show honors in the adult division of the 2014 Iowa State Fair Fine Art Exhibition. Her colored-pencil self portrait was chosen from among 370 works accepted for this year’s show. It was a project for Baker’s spring-semester figure drawing class, taught by associate professor Brent Holland, integrated studio arts.

  • How parents can help their children succeed and stay in school

    Students are back in school and now is the time for parents to develop routines to help their children succeed academically. Kimberly Greder, an associate professor and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach family life specialist, says parental involvement, more than income or social status, is a predictor of student achievement.

  • Use a rule of thumb to control how much you drink

    Sticking to a general rule of pouring just a half glass of wine limits the likelihood of overconsumption, even for men with a higher body mass index. That’s the finding of a new Iowa State and Cornell University study to be published in a forthcoming issue of the International Journal of Drug Policy.

  • Engaging students through social media is focus of ISU prof’s new book

    Contrary to popular belief about the negative effects of social media, Reynol Junco is using Facebook and Twitter to help college students succeed. Instead of seeing social media as a distraction in the classroom, Junco says it helps him engage and connect with students. In his new book, “Engaging Students Through Social Media,” Junco encourages student affairs professionals and other educators to use social media to do the same.

  • Pounding the pavement will make these ISU students better landscape architects

    It's summertime and the learning is easy. But the work is hard for nine Iowa State University landscape architecture students who are finishing their internship project at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women (ICIW) in Mitchellville. For them, pounding the pavement has taken on a whole new meaning.

  • Iowa State University faculty to lead monitoring of Black Hawk Lake watershed

    A new monitoring effort of the Black Hawk Lake watershed by Iowa State University researchers will answer some lingering questions regarding the long-term impact of land management practices on water quality. The wealth of data to be collected during the five-year study could have ramifications for impaired watersheds across the state.

  • ISU clinician promotes healthful eating by helping plant garden at PGA event

    Tonya Krueger, a registered dietitian and clinician for Iowa State University's Dietetic Internship program, recently helped the PGA TOUR Wives Association and the PGA of America Spouses build and plant vegetable gardens for a Kentucky elementary school. It was an opportunity to share her love for gardening and promote good health. 

  • Most Iowa bald eagles are not exposed to high levels of lead, according to new Iowa State University research

    A first-of-its-kind study of Iowa bald eagles found that only a small fraction of the birds appear to suffer from high levels of lead exposure, according to Iowa State University researchers. The ISU study is the first to investigate the prevalence of lead exposure among the general population of bald eagles in the state rather than just sick birds that are admitted to wildlife rehabilitation facilities.

  • Iowa State engineers to simulate and model tornado winds and their effects on buildings

    Iowa State University's Partha Sarkar will use a $250,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to continue his studies of tornado winds. The grant will support experiments in the Iowa State Tornado Simulator that will help engineers answer questions about how tornadoes interact with homes and buildings. How, for example, do building codes, structure shapes, roof types and even construction quality influence tornado damage?

  • Astronaut Clayton Anderson inspires, organizes Iowa State workshop on spaceflight ops

    Clayton Anderson, a retired NASA astronaut and a distinguished faculty fellow in aerospace engineering, has worked with Iowa State engineers to develop a prototype workshop in spaceflight operations. The workshop includes training in scuba diving, wilderness survival and skydiving. The goal is to give students a taste of training in spaceflight operations and to give Iowa State educators a first look at preparing students for new employment opportunities in commercial spaceflight.