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Sunday, November 13 2016

  • Iowa State engineers study glass in batteries as a way to increase performance and safety

    Iowa State University's Steve Martin has researched battery materials for 30-plus years. He has a new grant that will allow him to expand his fundamental materials studies into research and development of new, all-solid-state technology for actual batteries. He calls it a "dream-come-true" project.

  • Free online course on perennial grasses and energy production is now available

    A new massive open online course, or MOOC, allows those who enroll to work through a range of multimedia materials focused on the vast possibilities perennial grasses have to drive sustainable energy production. The course arose from the efforts of CenUSA Bioenergy, a research project led by Iowa State and funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

  • Competence matters more than gender for women running for office

    The nomination of the first woman presidential candidate by a major party has shattered some gender barriers, while at the same time reinforced certain stereotypes and double standards that still exist for women. New research by an Iowa State University political scientist found that gender plays a significant role in how much voters care about a candidate’s perceived competence.

  • Iowa Small Town Poll will evaluate quality of life in rural Iowa; poll will now be distributed every 2 years

    An Iowa State University survey that gauges quality of life in rural Iowa will soon hit mailboxes in communities across the state. The poll is switching from being taken every 10 years to every two years. The poll launches on the heels of a recent ISU analysis of census data showing incomes in rural Iowa have been both higher and faster growing over the past decade compared to urban portions of Iowa and other rural populations nationally.

  • Iowa State University and city of Des Moines partner on big data research project

    Iowa State University and the city of Des Moines have teamed up on a big data research project that could transform the way cities handle sustainability and mitigate climate change, particularly in marginalized neighborhoods. The ISU researchers are developing a prototype decision-making tool that integrates data-driven science and human behavior to address environmental and social challenges. "Big Data for Sustainable City Decision-Making" was funded by ISU President Steven Leath's initiative for interdisciplinary research.

  • Iowa State engineer developing tools, technologies to make a better, smarter power grid

    Iowa State's Zhaoyu Wang has four grants supporting his work to develop a smarter, more reliable power grid. His work includes developing a tool that will help utility companies recover from natural disasters, modeling power demand down to the level of homes and businesses, studying cascading power outages and investigating an advanced business model that helps manage the power system's risks and uncertainties.

  • How Iowa State University’s agricultural and biosystems engineering program achieved its No. 1 national ranking

    Rankings by U.S. News & World Report magazine say Iowa State University's program in agriculture and biosystems engineering is the country's No. 1 program for undergraduates and the No. 2 program for graduate students. The rankings highlight the interdisciplinary culture at Iowa State, new facilities on campus and the contributions of donors.

  • ISU’s Carriquiry named to National Academy of Medicine

    An Iowa State University Distinguished Professor of statistics, whose work has advanced the understanding of nutrition and dietary assessment, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine. Alicia Carriquiry is one of two Iowa State faculty among the 70 new members and nine international members the academy announced.

  • ISU’s Roth named to National Academy of Medicine

    James Roth, Clarence Hartley Covault Distinguished Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine at Iowa State, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine. Roth is one of two Iowa State faculty among the 70 new members and nine international members the academy announced on Monday. Induction into the academy is considered one of the highest honors for researchers in the fields of health and medicine.