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Monday, January 8 2007


Two Iowa State fashion design students to be honored in New York City

Two ISU seniors are flying to New York City, Tuesday, Jan. 9, to accept scholarship awards from a prestigious fashion association.

News release.

Three Iowa State College of Design programs ranked high by practitioners

State's programs in architecture, interior design and landscape architecture are among the nation's best, according to a survey of practitioners by DesignIntelligence. All three Iowa State programs ranked in the top 15.

News release.

Towns selected for 2007 community visioning program

Twelve Iowa communities have been selected to participate in the Iowa's Living Roadways Community Visioning Program in 2007. The award-winning program integrates technical landscape planning and design techniques with sustainable community action to assist community leaders and volunteers in making sound and meaningful decisions about the local landscape.

News release.

Jersey Jewel to grace new ISU Dairy Farm

Norma "Duffy" Lyon, the state fair's "Butter Cow Lady" and a 1951 ISU animal science alumna, has created a bronze sculpture for the Iowa State University Dairy Farm. Jersey Jewel will be installed on the lawn of the new Dairy/Animal Science Education and Discovery Facility when it's completed later this year. For now, the bronze is in the Kildee Hall atrium.

News release.

Go! -- an online magazine for young people -- promotes transportation careers

Go! -- a free, online magazine for teens and young adults -- has the scoop on transportation careers. The magazine is published by Iowa State University's Center for Transportation Research and Education and can be found at

News release.

Iowa State student's research leads to creation of women's center

Research for a freshman honors program is leading to a new rehabilitation clinic for chemically dependent professional women in Rochester, Minn.

News release.

Researchers make metamaterials advancement

Ames Laboratory senior physicist and ISU Distinguished Professor Costas Soukoulis has designed a new metamaterial that exhibits negative defraction for visible light. The discovery is announced in the Jan. 5 issue of Science.

News release.

Anthony Townsend


ISU professor predicts 2007 will be the year of advanced mobile commerce

Iowa State management information systems professor Anthony Townsend theorizes that all the purchasing data that's been collected on shoppers could make in-store mobile commerce customization a reality in the not-too-distant future -- providing shoppers in-store deals and product information while they shop.

News release

ISU research on African-American women concurs with "The Pursuit of Happyness"

According to a study by Iowa State Professor of Psychology Carolyn Cutrona, African-American women from depressed neighborhoods who have resourceful personalities and a sense of optimism can also immunize themselves against depression following life's setbacks.

News release.

College of Agriculture considers name change

ISU's College of Agriculture is moving forward with a proposal to change its name to the "College of Agriculture and Life Sciences."

News release.

Ames Laboratory/IPRT director will step down

Thomas J. Barton, director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory and director of the Institute for Physical Research and Technology (IPRT) at Iowa State University, has announced his resignation effective Feb. 28, 2007.

News release

Iowa farmland value at record level

The average value of an acre of farmland in Iowa increased $290 to an all-time high of $3,204 in 2006, according to an annual survey conducted by Iowa State University.

Land value info.

Iowa State experts provide tips to start and maintain fitness program in the New Year

For those who are serious about starting and maintaining a fitness program in 2007, two professors from Iowa State's Department of Health and Human Performance offer 10 tips.

News release