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Saturday, September 22 2007


DuPont partners with Iowa State to enhance biofuels production

DuPont today announced a pledge of $1 million to the Iowa State University New Century Farm, the first research effort in the United States to focus on producing cellulosic ethanol on the farm.

News release.

AP, Gannett journalists make Iowa Caucuses subject of first Chamberlin Lecture

Washington Bureau Chief Sandy Johnson of The Associated Press and Political Editor Chuck Raasch of Gannett News Service will be the first speakers in the Gene and Margaret Chamberlin Lecture Series, sponsored by ISU's Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. "Covering the Caucuses" will be the topic of their talk, which will be held Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 8 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

News release.

Design college addition to be named for Steven and Barbara King

The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, approved naming the College of Design Foundations Pavilion the King Pavilion. The name recognizes alumni Steven and Barbara King who provided the lead commitment of $1.5 million for the new $6.25 million facility.

News release.

Iowa State University conference examines developing bioeconomy

The 2007 Biobased Industry Outlook Conference, "Growing the Bioeconomy," will be Nov. 5 and 6 at the Iowa State Center on the Iowa State University campus. The conference will include speakers such as venture capitalist and ethanol supporter Vinod Khosla and genomics researcher J. Craig Venter.

News release.

Cyclones FWAA National Team of the Week

With their 15-13 win over Iowa Saturday, the Iowa State Cyclones (1-2) are the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl National Team of the Week for games the weekend of Sept. 15.

News release.

Dubuque attorney Jim Heckmann to direct Iowa Small Business Development Centers

Jim Heckmann, principal of James M. Heckmann Law Offices of Dubuque, and president of the consulting firm Aligned Resources, LC, has been named the new state director of the Iowa Small Business Development Centers.

News release.

Vilsack named distinguished fellow in Iowa State's Biosafety Institute

Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack has been named a Distinguished Fellow in Iowa State University's Biosafety Institute for Genetically Modified Agricultural Products.

News release.

ISU Design West grand opening is Sept. 22 in Sioux City

The College of Design and Sioux City Great Places Committee will host a grand opening celebration for the ISU Design West Studio, 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, in Sioux City. The ISU Design West studio is the college's new satellite program. It expands regional educational opportunities in the design disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, graphic design and interior design.

News release.

ISU-Toledo game will be web cast

Iowa State's football matchup at Toledo Sept. 22 will be web cast live in the Clone Zone section of Monthly subscriptions to the Clone Zone are $8.95.

News release.

Iowa State astronomer helps discover planet that offers clues to Earth's future

Iowa State University's Steve Kawaler helped an international team of astronomers make the first discovery of a planet orbiting a star near the end of its life. The news provides a preliminary picture of what could be the Earth's destiny in four to five billion years. The discovery will be announced in the Sept. 13 issue of the journal Nature.

News release.

ISU sociologist studies social construction of 9-11 and its use as political, social resource

Brian Monahan, an assistant professor of sociology at Iowa State, has been researching the social construction of 9-11 and is working on a future book on its media coverage. Even though yesterday's sixth anniversary may not have the same exposure as a year ago, Monahan says remembrance of 9-11 has not faded.

News release.

Southwestern Community College and ISU partner

Iowa State University President Gregory Geoffroy and Southwestern Community College President Barbara Crittenden announce the establishment of an admissions partnership agreement that will make it more convenient for SWCC students to transfer to ISU. The announcement was made today at the SWCC campus in Creston.

News release.

ISU prof is taking people to school on the Iowa caucuses with online class in October

University Professor of Political Science Steffen Schmidt is teaching Political Science 312: The Iowa Presidential Caucuses, during the fall semester's second seven weeks. The two-credit course will begin on Monday, Oct. 15, and covers the history and future of the Iowa caucuses.

News release.

Daily Show's Aasif Mandvi set for free comedy performance Sept. 28 at ISU

Aasif Mandvi, Baghdad bureau chief on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," will give a free comedy performance at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28 at Stephens Auditorium.

News release.