News Archive
Friday, March 23 2007
Bugeja presents Presidential Lecture on April 4, will plug into today's technology
The director of Iowa State's Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Michael Bugeja present updated research from his book "Interpersonal Divide: The Search for Community in a Technological Age" (Oxford University Press, 2005) for this year's Presidential Lecture on Wednesday, April 4, at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Union's Sun Room.
ISU psychologists publish three new studies on violent video game effects on youths
ISU psychologists Craig Anderson, Douglas Gentile and Katherine Buckley share the results of three new studies in their book, "Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents" -- research Anderson and Gentile will be presenting at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting next week.
Iowa State joins global marathon to encourage women to study engineering
Iowa State engineers will join a global marathon designed to encourage young women to consider engineering as a career. The Iowa Staters' presentation will feature engineering students, alumni and administrators talking about the opportunities for leadership in engineering. The Iowa State presentation will be 9-9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 23, at
Iowa State's Warren Madden honored for leadership by 11-university distance education program
Warren Madden, ISU vice president for business and finance, will receive the inaugural Friend of Great Plains IDEA Award from the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance at its annual meeting on April 3 in Omaha, Neb.
Gov. Culver to keynote ISU conference on the small town in the bioeconomy April 10
An address by Iowa Gov. Chet Culver will lead off discussion of the implications of the emerging bioeconomy for Iowa's rural communities at the "Community Futures: The Small Town in the Bioeconomy," conference at ISU on April 10.
International biotech company to open office at the Iowa State Research Park
Novozymes, a Denmark-based biotechnology company, expects to open its first Midwest office at the Iowa State University Research Park in April. The office staff will support customers in the ethanol industry, offer training for customers and research new technologies to help make ethanol from plant fiber. Some of the company's researchers may work with Iowa State University scientists.
ISU College of Business Hosts Severe Weather Awareness Day March 28
The Iowa State College of Business will host Severe Weather Awareness Day on Wednesday, March 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the first floor of the Gerdin Business Building.
Lectures, tours on sustainable architecture and design, March 28-29
Events focusing on architecture and design for energy sustainability will take place at ISU and in central Iowa, March 28 and 29. BIGe will feature a keynote address by Architecture for Humanity co-founder Cameron Sinclair, and include presentations, a panel discussion and tours.
Uganda's children are subject of film, discussion at Iowa State
The movie "Invisible Children: Rough Cut" will be presented on March 25 in the Memorial Union. The event is free and open to the public.
Veishea 2007 announces entertainment lineup
Hip-hop artist Biz Markie, funnyman Bill Burr and more than a dozen music concerts will entertain Veishea visitors April 16-22. Country star Chris Cagle, hit rapper Mike Jones and rock group Saliva are among the musical acts headlining April 21's "Live @ Veishea" concert series.
Summer programs for youth
Looking for summer activities for the kids? The Iowa State Programs for Youth web site lists all kinds of ISU-sponsored programs for youth, ranging from pre-kindergarten through high school age.

Wie named Coffman Faculty Chair
Bong Wie has been named Iowa State University's first endowed Vance D. Coffman Faculty Chair in Aerospace Engineering.
Asian soybean rust confirmed on soybean plant tissue submitted to Iowa State University
Asian soybean rust has been confirmed on soybean plant tissue submitted to Iowa State University. This soybean residue was recovered from a bin of soybeans produced in Iowa in 2006. Bill Northey, Secretary of Agriculture with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, said the finding does not necessarily increase the risk for the 2007 crop.
Nutrition and Wellness Research Center finalists
Two finalists for director of the Nutrition and Wellness Research Center will visit campus. Mindy Kurzer, director of the graduate program in nutrition at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, will visit March 21-22. Michael Lefevre, chief of functional foods research at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, La., will visit March 27-28. Finalists will give two open forums each -- a research presentation and vision discussion.
Iowa State wins international turf bowl competition for sixth straight year
An ISU team won first place in the 13th Annual Collegiate Turf Bowl at the annual Golf Industry Show in Anaheim, CA, last month.
25th Anniversary ISU fashion show is March 31
"Reflect"--a showcase of more than 100 garments created by Iowa State students--will take the runway on Saturday, March 31 at Stephens Auditorium. Tickets are $15 for students and $20 for others, available through Ticketmaster.
Iowa State botanists identify new species of North American bamboo
For more than 200 years, North America was known to have two native species of bamboo. Now there are three, thanks to the work of two Iowa State botanists and their colleague from North Carolina.
15th Annual Voorhees Business Conference on supply chain management is March 23
The 15th Annual Voorhees Business Conference featuring supply chain management experts from around the nation will take place on Friday, March 23, in the Scheman Building at the Iowa State Center.