Tuesday, Aug. 11 (6:50 pm): The Veterinary Diagnostic Lab is working to process COVID-19 samples from the Lied Rec testing center after a delay due to the power outage. It's expected that results for students tested Monday and Tuesday will be completed by Thursday at noon. The delay may cause some overlap with roommates. ISU's Public Health Team will work with students who test positive through our contact tracing process and make necessary arrangements as quickly as possible.
Tuesday, Aug. 11 (3:45 pm): Power has been restored to the College of Veterinary Medicine; Wallace, Wilson and Buchanan residence halls; as well as Schilletter Village and most all of University Village.
Tuesday, Aug. 11 (1:20 pm): ISU Extension and Outreach has educational resources and information available to assist with disaster recovery.
Tuesday, Aug. 11 (11:23 am): The COVID-19 testing center and check-in at Lied Rec will open at noon. If you were scheduled for this morning or Monday, please come anytime between noon-4 pm today or 8 am - 4 pm on Wednesday. Thank you.
Tuesday, Aug. 11 (9 am): Power has been restored on campus, but there are still areas without electricity. We understand many of you may be without power at home and dealing with cleanup from Monday’s storms. Employees please contact your supervisor to make arrangements. For students moving into the residence halls, the Lied Rec testing center will open at noon. We ask for everyone’s flexibility as cleanup continues and crews work to get power restored. Please take care of yourselves and thank you for your patience.
Tuesday, Aug. 11 (7 am): ISU Alert Power is restored to much of campus, but there are still areas without. We understand many of you may be without power at home. Please contact your supervisor to make work arrangements.
Monday, Aug. 10 (9:58 pm): ISU power plant is back online and crews are working to restore power to campus. This may take a few hours. Thank you for your patience.
Monday, Aug. 10 (5:27 pm): ISU Alert Due to the power outage in the Ames area, it is critically important to conserve water and to stay off the streets. Crews are working on both power and street issues, but they will take time to resolve. See ISU email for more.
Monday, Aug. 10 (4:55 pm): COVID-19 testing at Lied Rec is nearly finished for today. Due to the power outage, testing will resume at noon on Tuesday. Students scheduled to move-in Tuesday morning will receive more information by email. Thank you for your patience.
Monday, Aug. 10 (4:27 pm): It will still be several hours before power is restored to the city of Ames. It will then take time before the ISU Power Plant is back online and can restore power to campus.
Monday, Aug. 10 (1:42 pm): COVID-19 move-in testing at Lied Rec will reopen at 1:45. Please be patient as the testing process may take longer due to the power outage. All students scheduled to move-in today will be tested.
Monday, Aug. 10 (12:06 pm): Due to the power outage, COVID-19 testing center at Lied Recreation is closed. Please follow for updates.
Monday, Aug. 10 (12:03 pm): The ISU Power Plant and Ames electrical crews are working to restore electricity on campus and the community. It's not known when power will be restored.