ISU researchers making gadgets that would dissolve after use

An Iowa State University research team is working on creating a whole new category of electronics.
The idea is that once an electronic gadget has completed its mission, it would just dissolve.
Applications for this technology are everywhere, from medical devices that could travel inside your body do their work and then dissolve, to military devices that would collect their info, transmit it and then dissolve.
It's a whole new way of looking at electronics.
"You don't expect your cell phone to dissolve someday, right?" said Reza Montazami, an Iowa State University assistant professor of mechanical engineering in a news release. "The resistors, capacitors and electronics, you don't expect everything to dissolve in such a manner that there's no trace of it."
It's part of the team's research into what is called transient electronics.
"Whenever you don't need this electronics that you have, you can just send it back to nature," said Montazami. "Instead of just keeping them in a drawer or storing them somewhere, you can have them flushed down the toilet."
Just think how it could work. If you lost your credit card you could just send out a signal to it to dissolve. A sensor on your food could degrade over time to let you know the food is past its due date.
"Usually the focus is on keeping things alive long, but in our case we want things to die at the point we don't need them," said Montazami.