2025: A Trusted Partner

Through research, teaching, service and extension, Iowa State University has a long history of providing proactive and innovative solutions. This work is happening in labs across campus, in Iowa farm fields and in collaboration with business and industry.

The 2025 Innovation at Work series illustrates why Iowa State is a trusted partner. The stories will introduce you to young entrepreneurs growing their business and helping others, and to Iowa farmers with a passion for research and a desire to find new markets for their products. We also visit a family business and two energy startups growing with support from Iowa State.

2024: Economic Development and Impact

The innovation that occurs every day at Iowa State University leads to countless opportunities for entrepreneurship and collaboration with industry. From taking leaps forward in research and development to educating the next wave of great entrepreneurial minds, Iowa State University is an economic engine that powers development and job growth across the globe.

The 2024 Innovation at Work series details how Iowa State strengthens existing businesses across the state, incubates groundbreaking startups, meets Iowa’s workforce needs and supports animal agriculture through state-of-the-art veterinary expertise and facilities. This adds up to billions of dollars in economic development made possible by Iowa State University’s culture of innovation.

2023: Patents, Inventions and Discoveries

The 2023 series of stories takes you inside the process where innovation is at work and Iowa State researchers are making groundbreaking discoveries to protect our food supply, create more efficient electric batteries, improve vaccines, change the future of home construction and help farmers use data to make better decisions.

2022: Strengthening Iowa Communities

Innovation is the cornerstone of Iowa State University's culture. Faculty, scientists and students are conducting groundbreaking work that improves the quality of life in every corner of the state and beyond. Each story in the inaugural series highlights the collaboration and creativity that fuel the drive to find solutions to big challenges. From strengthening mental health to beautifying Iowa communities, to finding new markets for next-generation agricultural products, Iowa State is making a difference. This collection of words, photos and video showcases Iowa State's Innovation at Work.

Innovate at Iowa State

Learn more about how Iowa State uses a culture of innovation that helps turn ideas into action.