
Mary Ann Evans, Program for Women in Science and Engineering, (515) 294-5883
Skip Derra, News Service, (515) 294-4917


AMES, Iowa -- A group of Iowa State University officials will be part of a Washington, D.C., seminar and conference on issues concerning international women in science. The group includes Mary Ann Evans and Ardith Maney, two administrators who have been instrumental in the success of ISU's International Women in Science and Engineering (IWISE) program, and four participants of the program.

On Nov. 10, the group will be part of a seminar sponsored by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the Office of International Affairs of the U.S. National Research Council. They will be joined by policy makers who have an interest in issues relating to international women scientists. The IWISE program will be featured in the seminar.

IWISE annually brings about 20 women from developing countries and Eastern Europe to Iowa State to work on research projects, use ISU facilities and resources, network and experience Western culture. Participants return to their homelands enriched by the IWISE experience and often assume leadership positions in their organizations.

In addition to Evans and Maney, four past IWISE participants will be on hand to discuss their involvement in the program. The four researchers are from Russia, Ukraine, Cote d'Ivoire and El Salvador.

On Nov. 12, three IWISE participants will join Evans and Maney for a panel presentation on the role of women scientists in international development at the 8th International Forum of the Association of Women in Development.

"This is a great opportunity to show policy makers from Washington and from countries around the world the important roles that international women scientists can play in the development of their countries," said Evans, co-director of IWISE. "Although their potential is great, in many instances, they have been hampered by limited resources and cultural constraints. We hope our presentations will help alleviate some of those barriers."

IWISE is a program of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, a collaboration between Iowa State University, UNESCO and industrial partners.

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Mary Ann Evans will be traveling the week of Nov. 8. She can be reached at (202) 828-2600 on Monday and at (703) 845-1717, Tuesday through Sunday.
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