John McCarroll, University Relations, (515) 294-6137
ISU HAD 154 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS IN 1998AMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University's international agreements during fiscal year 1998 totaled more than half of all those held by the three regents universities.
In fiscal year 1998, ISU had 154 agreements with universities and agencies in more than 50 countries, including Australia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Mexico, People's Republic of China, Russia and Urkaine. ISU submitted an report on international agreements and study abroad to the state board of regents at a meeting in Ames on March 17.
International agreements provide opportunities for student and faculty exchanges, research collaboration, joint publication of academic articles and general exchange of information.
In fiscal year 1998, 588 ISU students studied abroad. An additional 22 ISU students gained international experience by working abroad. Among the most popular destinations for ISU students, were Australia, Costa Rica, Italy, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
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URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/99/mar/international.html
Revised 03/17/99