Bing-Lin Young, Physics and Astronomy, (515) 294-3989
Skip Derra, News Service, (515) 294-4917
DISTINGUISHED CHINESE RESEARCHER TO SPEAK ABOUT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTAMES, Iowa -- Professor Ya Hui Zhuang, a distinguished research fellow and former director of the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Studies at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will give a Presidential Lecture at Iowa State University on Jan. 20. The lecture, "Sustainability and Material Cycling: The Case of China," will be at 8 p.m. in room W142 Lagomarcino Hall.
Zhuang conducts research on the removal of sulfur and particulate pollution from the burning of coal and biomass, and on the carbon dioxide contributions to global climate change. He is the principal reviewer of the Chinese Air Pollution Program, and directs the Air Pollution Program Management Office of the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges.
Like many developing countries, China is at a crossroads of having to balance the needs of its people with the responsible stewardship of its land, said Bing-Lin Young, an Iowa State physics and astronomy professor who works with Zhuang.
"China is facing a most serious time in dealing with economic growth and the pollution it causes," Young said. "They are trying to balance serving their people and dealing with the aftermath of years of ecological neglect. What they do to foster growth, meet their energy needs and curb the pollution will be a blueprint for how other developing nations tackle these important issues."
Zhuang is coordinator of the Chinese side of the Sustainable Development in Henan Province project, a collaboration between several Chinese science and technology entities and the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (IITAP). IITAP is a collaboration between Iowa State University and the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Zhuang has a doctorate degree from Moscow State University (Russia) and a bachelor's degree from Tsinghu University in Beijing, China. He has been a visiting scholar at the U.S. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in California and at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
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Ya Hui Zhuang is pronounced YA-HWE Drong
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