Carol Bradley, Governmental Relations, (515) 294-1385
John McCarroll, University Relations, (515) 294-6137
AMES, Iowa -- A search will soon begin for a new director of governmental relations at Iowa State University. A search committee, chaired by Warren Madden, vice president for business and finance, will solicit nominations and applications for the position.
Carol Bradley, who has served as assistant to the president and director of governmental relations since December 1993, has requested a change in responsibilities. She will continue as assistant to the president, focusing on major projects for the president and other senior administrators.
Bradley joined Iowa State in 1988 as assistant to the president and director of state relations. Prior to that, she had been an administrator and legislative liaison for the Iowa Department of Education.
"Directing our state and federal government relations is enormously important to Iowa State, and Carol Bradley has done an exceptional job. She is highly respected and extremely knowledgeable. I am appreciative for her service in governmental relations and very pleased that she will continue as a member of our administrative team," said ISU President Martin Jischke.
The university intends to name the new director by July 1, 1999.
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Revised 1/26/99