Julie Brown, Science Coalition, (303) 267-0774
Skip Derra, News Service, (515) 294-4917
IOWA STATE FEATURED ON SCIENCE COALITION WEB PAGEAMES, Iowa -- Several Iowa State University research projects will be featured on the "On-Campus" section of the web page of the Science Coalition, a Washington, D.C., based organization. The Iowa State feature will run for a week beginning February 15.
Each week the Science Coalition highlights the scientific advances and on-going research at two of its member universities.
Highlighted Iowa State projects include research showing chicken noodle soup will rehydrate your body quicker than water, development of genetically engineered oat plants that resist a specific virus, Iowa State's national ranking in technology transfer, astronomical observations of colliding galaxies, and a unique international program for women in science.
The web page can be accessed at www.sciencecoalition.org. The Science Coalition includes more than 60 major public and private research universities as well as more than 350 businesses, voluntary health organizations, medical groups, scientific societies and individuals dedicated to sustaining the federal government's commitment to university research.
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Revised 02/12/99