Steve Carter, Pappajohn Center, (515) 296-7828
Judi Nielsen, Pappajohn Center, (515) 296-6754
Kevin Brown, News Service, (515) 294-8986
AMES, Iowa -- Strategic planning for growth-oriented veterinary practices will be the focus of three two-day seminars at Iowa State University. The seminar series will include 15-hours of on-site mentoring assistance.
Series workshops are Nov. 4-5, Jan. 6-7, 1999, and March 10- 11, 1999. Registration fee is $2,500. Attendance is limited to 20.
Topics include business planning, financial analysis, personnel management, marketing, and plan implementation. Industry specialists will be featured speakers and presenters.
The "Shaping Your Veterinary Future" conference is sponsored by the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Business, Iowa Small Business Development Center and the ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship.
Call (515) 296-6532 or e-mail jnielsen@iastate.edu for more information or to register.
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Revised 9/22/98