Jim Fung, Student Health Center, (515) 294-7969
Mary Engstrom, Student Health Center, (515) 294-7968
Steve Sullivan, News Service, (515) 294-3720
ISU SPONSORS ANNUAL 'CARNIVAL OF HEALTH'AMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University's Student Health Center will sponsor "Health Links," the 14th annual Carnival of Health, on Thursday, Jan. 29, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. The Carnival of Health is free and open to the public.
The Carnival of Health is a comprehensive health resource fair designed to connect people with existing health resources. More than 35 local and national health organizations will have exhibits and interactive displays providing up-to-date health-related information. Free health assessments, such as blood pressure, body fat, strength, flexibility, cardio vascular fitness and pulmonary function testing, will be available. Hemoprofile, thyroid screens, colorectal cancer screen, prostate specific antigen testing, blood typing, cardiac risk appraisal and cholesterol screening will be offered at reduced rates. Two of the cholesterol profiles require a 12-hour fasting period.
Hourly drawings and free ice cream will be offered throughout the day.
For additional information on this event, please call the Health Education Office at (515) 294-7969.
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Revised 1/15/98