Thomas Hill, Student Affairs, (515) 294-4420
David Bousquet, Enrollment, (515) 294-2232
John McCarroll, University Relations, (515) 294-6136
ISU FALL ENROLLMENT UP BY 201 STUDENTSAMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University's fall enrollment is 25,585, an increase of 201 students compared to fall semester 1997.
The 1998 enrollment figure includes 21,427 undergraduate students, which is 303 more than last year. Graduate enrollment is 4,158, down 102 students from the previous year.
"Our undergraduate enrollment is in line with our goal for the 1998 academic year," said Tom Hill, vice president for student affairs. "We anticipated a decrease in graduate enrollment because of the strong job market in science and technology fields."
Minority enrollment for fall is 1,687, which is a slight increase over last fall's minority enrollment of 1,678. Minority students make up 6.6 percent of Iowa State's total fall enrollment.
International student enrollment is 2,459, a decrease from last year's enrollment of 2,564.
Iowa State UniversityIowa State homepage
Fall 1998 EnrollmentUndergraduate Graduate
1997 1998 1997 1998Agriculture 2,812 2,907 642 631
Business 2,968 3,114 219 216
Design 1,632 1,650 147 138
Education 1,838 1,834 428 391
Engineering 4,205 4,337 742 677
Family and 1,141 1,102 224 235
Consumer SciencesLiberal Arts 6,118 6,091 1,157 1,128
and SciencesInterdisciplinary 603 655
Veterinary Medicine 410 392 98 87
Total 21,124 21,427 4,260 4,158
Difference +303 -102
1997 25,384
1998 25,585
Difference 201
Minority and International Enrollment
Fall Semester 1997 1998
American Indian or
Alaskan Native 79 74African American 676 657
Asian or Pacific Islander 550 588
Hispanic 373 368
Total Minority 1,678 1,687
(Includes only U.S. citizens, permanent residents, refugees and asylees.)
International 2,564 2,459
(Includes all international -- non-resident alien -- students regardless of ethnic group affiliation.)
University Relations, online@iastate.edu
Copyright © 1997, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nscentral/releases/enroll09.11.html
Revised 9/11/98