Helen Jensen, Economics, (515) 294-6253
Mary Jane Oakland, Food Science and Human Nutrition, (515) 294-2536
Tracy Griffin, News Service, (515) 294-4777
ISU PROFESSORS AWARDED GRANT TO STUDY NUTRITION OF OLDER ADULTSAMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University professors Helen Jensen and Mary Jane Oakland have been awarded a $95,000 grant to study the nutrition habits of older adults.
Jensen, professor of economics, and Oakland, associate professor of food science and human nutrition, received the grant from the USDA's National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program.
"We hope to determine what proportion of adults over 75 years of age are at risk for nutrition-related problems," said Oakland. "This national study also will provide valuable insight for nutrition education and program planning for older adult populations."
The study will look at dietary intake of older adults, including their dietary problems, health attitudes and nutritional knowledge as it relates to making food choices. The researchers also will be comparing age-related differences across socio-economic groups in their study.
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Re vised 9/26/97